I can’t use Schedule


Viewed 99 times


I’ve already executed the command

pip install schedule

and the

pip3 install schedule

but when I try to import Schedule

import schedule

The following error appears:

Modulenotfounderror: No module named 'Schedule'

What should I do to make it work? I use python 3.7 in windows 10.

  • Did you run the Pip install command with administrator privileges? If not, it will not be able to install. Check the message at the end to make sure it has been successfully installed.

  • It appears here that it was successfully installed.. "Successfully installed Schedule-0.5.0"

  • type pip -V what your console shows?

  • Pip 18.1 from c: Pythons python37 lib site-Packages Pip (python 3.7)

  • Which way out of pip show schedule? And with pip3? Have you considered using virtual environments?

  • Running this command appears the data as name, version, etc. I’ve done with pip3 too, not changed anything

  • scheduled Union for Windows ?

  • works. I don’t know why it doesn’t work. Suddenly it worked, and the same thing happened with pandas. That in the machine of my work and in the personal, the same problem.. just like that

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