What kind of database to use and how not to create many activities?


Viewed 64 times


I intend to create an application, which will use barcode recognition, this barcode will lead to a screen on the medicine, the part of the database do not know which to use, because I never used, the screen I intend to create and reuse, but, it would have somehow simpler?

  • 1

    Easier than that? No. That’s right. Database inside the device, if you want to have online availability and be always current, no accurate (although a cache is recommended by UX).

  • I intend to connect this bank to the internet, because I need to add names, barcodes, and object information that I must always update.

2 answers


What database type to use?

"this bar code will lead to a screen on the medicine"

I recommend creating a API, by easy data editing, security, and avoid occupying unnecessary space on users devices.

To make the API you can use Laravel, Codeigniter, Slimphp among other PHP frameworks, in a vps LAMP. I recommend authenticating to get the API data.

To get the API data, use Volley

If you really want to store on the device, use the android Sqlite. Ex.: Example here

How not to create many activities?

You can use Fragments. Ex.: Example here

Overall, do Activities or Fragments that receive parameters and search for the information in the API.

  • It is always interesting to try to post something significant in the answer, leaving links as a reference/in-depth material. Of all the luck, I believe answer from Julia complements yours on the fragments.

  • The part of LAMP, I do not own linux use windows 7, there is another way as virtual machine, etc?

  • @Pedrohenrique In windows you can use XAMPP or WAMP


As for the screen you can use Fragments. It is possible to create an Activity with just one frameLayout as in the example below:


Then you can manipulate Fragments using Fragmentmanager and Fragmenttransaction.

manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentTransaction = manager.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.add(R.id.fgmContent, new SeuFragment());

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