I have a Array
, some of the values of this array will be added as float
others like int
, my doubt is the following, as I can convert only one array not the whole list?
I would have to create a variable to receive this value and convert? or would have a simpler way?
static void Main(string[] args)
string procurar = "|";
int Converter;
StreamReader Arquivo = new StreamReader(@"C:\log\meutxt.txt");
string[] arrValores = new string[48]; //48
SqlConnection conexao = new SqlConnection(@"Password=Azeite10;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=bdTeste;Data Source=DESKTOP-G8JGBNC");/*@"Password=Azeite10;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=bdTeste;Data Source=SCAN-D-50985\SQL"*/
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conexao;
while (Arquivo.Peek() != -1)
var strLinha = Arquivo.ReadLine().Split('|');
arrValores[0] = strLinha[1];
arrValores[1] = strLinha[2];
arrValores[2] = strLinha[3];
arrValores[3] = strLinha[4];
cmd.CommandText = string.Format("INSERT INTO [dbo].[123] VALUES ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", strLinha[1], strLinha[2], strLinha[3], strLinha[4].ToString());
my text file in the final process returns me a line like this.
|2021549040 |000001 |0001 |MTO |ZXDC |5034293 |ASIAN AMERICAN METALS, INC. |5034293 |ASIAN AMERICAN METALS, INC. |6126585 |LPL 3003 H14 1,600X1219,2X3048 C-CC-EE |PO343610 - BALTIMORE | 23,859 |KG | 23.859,000 | 23.859,000 | 0,000 |Z) | 29.217,000 | 0,000 | 0,000 | 0,000 |22.12.2017 |2020 |C |18.04.2018|27.07.2018 |27.07.2018 |26.07.2018 |27.07.2018 | |2200 |OUTROS ME |LCC01001 |CC ME | | | |Laminados |BANACM | | |CIP-BALTIMORE | 0,000 | |2020 |
where the | "CONTENTS"
Tables in the database
([Ordem de venda]
,[Item do documento de vendas]
,[N. da divisão de remessa]
,[Tipo Doc. Vendas]
,[Emissor da Ordem]
,[Nome do Cliente]
,[Cód. Receb. Mercadoria]
,[Receb. Mercadoria]
,[Cód. do Material]
,[Desc. do Material]
,[N. Pedido do Cliente]
,[Qtde Item Ordem]
,[Unidade Medida]
,[Qtde Item Divisão]
,[Quantidade Faturada]
,[Saldo a faturar]
,[Ctg de Divisão]
,[Quantidade Produzida (MTO)]
,[Qtd. em Estoque (Fábrica)]
,[Estoque para Centro (CD)]
,[Estoque (901)]
,[Data de criação OV]
,[Centro (CD)]
,[Status da Ordem]
,[Data GRD]
,[1ª. Data Prometida]
,[Data de Entrega]
,[Data prep. material]
,[Data saída mercadoria]
,[Motivo Recusa]
,[Organização de Vendas]
,[Cta. no Cliente]
,[Cod.Fixação Ordem Planejada]
,[Lista de anexos]
,[Criador da OV]
,[Descrição do transito]
,[Quantidade em remessa]
,[Local de expedição])
This code does not make sense, it is extremely insecure and the question does not give enough details to give an adequate answer, including mentioning things that you can not notice in the code. Need to improve the question to understand the problem.
– Maniero
simple my array gets 48 lines, I have to enter this data in the database, however I need to convert some to float or date, because without converting the sql does not insert in the database, I put my entire code, is not complete yet, this list arrValores[ goes up to 48]
– Guilherme Palange
You could put the layout of the text file and the fields of your database?
– novic
edited my question with this information.
– Guilherme Palange