I have a system that has a web version, you can view it here: All in Your Hands. In it you will notice that there is a Carrousel to display more accessed content and in this Carrousel I use js to open a modal bootstrap in the case of some content like music and videos. The javascript function that is called to open the modal is this below:
function recommendedContentsDialodShow(){
$('#recommendedContentsModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
The problem is that I cannot open the modal and display data in it using EL (ex: ${nomeMusica}
) without making a request and reloading the entire page. How could I do this without making a request by setting these parameters in the request scope ?
I’ve tried features like c:set but it didn’t work...
Thank you William, your comments were of great help. I will try to do using the solution via ajax, however how can I get the desired information through ajax? How can I get the return? Note that I am basing myself on the code below: var xmlhttp; if(window.Xmlhttprequest){ xmlhttp=new Xmlhttprequest(); }Else{ xmlhttp=new Activexobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } var params = "parameters"; xmlhttp.open("POST",serverBaseURL,true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xmlhttp.send(params);
– rbertani
Hi, @rbertani. You can simplify this by using jQuery, the library you are already using. Take a look here, where I explain how to make an AJAX request. Another thing, the ideal is that you provide the information you want in the modal through the format
, as an API. In this template you will be able to persist your data with ease.– Guilherme Oderdenge
Hello William, thanks for the tip. However, I believe that is not exactly what I want to do. So I am using a modal bootstrap (I know it uses ajax from behind), however I already have the modal code in the body of the page and when I call the js method the idea is to open the modal with the information I need in specific fields of this modal using EL, ex ${Usica}. In this case, the code snippet of your link: $dialog.html() would not work...note that I already have the modal html ready, missing only some variable information
– rbertani