Recover users from a particular locale with Facebook API


Viewed 97 times


I would like to know how I can mount an HTTP request for the Facebook API, which brings me all users from a particular location.

Example: returns the JSON to a post. In my case I would like a JSON with the users of a specific locality.

1 answer


Through the Facebook API you can get a list of a user’s friends who are close to this user.

The way you built your question however hints that you want to get a list of generic users associated with a location (not a list of a user’s friends), and it is not possible to obtain this information for privacy reasons.

  • How not? Answer completely. There is no way to do what he wants.

  • 2

    Just quote a relevant reference and the answer has already become canonical.

  • @lolol, why is very abstract and without references that prove what you claim, and does not explain, why this is not possible, nor cites possible options as list close friends. With a little more care and affection, she’ll be fine. I only signaled as a way to alert, because the way it is does not help much, but it seems a comment the question.

  • His question is a request that returns all users (not friends!!) around a locality, and this is not possible. Obviously there is no reference to this. I will elaborate however, you are right.

  • @lolol, now, is a little better, already it can be considered an answer. Hehe.

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