Indentation error


Viewed 180 times


I’m trying to create a TextInput in the Kivy and define its dimensions, only whenever it puts its dimensions of error:

invalid indentation,must be a Multiple of 4 Spaces.

I still don’t understand why you’re making this mistake.


    size_hint:1., .5

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1 answer


Probably because you’re mixing spaces with tabs, they’re different characters. The error is quite clear, you used 4 spaces for indentation and should be so throughout the code. I can even almost guarantee that the first one has the wrong indentation, it must be a level up, but it may be that it was only wrong to post here. So I always say:

Enquanto você não souber o que cada caractere do seu código faz, até mesmo o espaço em branco, você ainda não sabe programar

Moral of the story: you need to learn everything from language, you need to understand the darkest details, you need to learn in a structured way.

  • 1

    True, I still can’t program and I’m practicing to learn. The problem was that I didn’t know that Textinput uses only one orientation compared to other widget in Kivy language. In python I can use Textiinput and other types of orientation. That’s why it gave error of endentation.

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