Laravel - How to Page and Give Order By


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I have that code:

$modeloVideo = ModeloVideo::paginate(10);

I want to page for 10 and display order by desc (descending order).

How to do this query?

I tried so :

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\ModeloVideo;

class HomeController extends Controller {

    public function home() {

    $modeloVideo = ModeloVideo::all()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

        $array = array("videos" => $modeloVideo,

        return view('home',$array);

Model code:

namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class ModeloVideo extends Model {
    //informando a tabela que sera usada
    protected $table = "modeloVideo";
    //quando fizer uma insercao ou update nao adicionar a coluna created ou update



and it hasn’t worked yet, but the error: Badmethodcallexception Method orderby does not exist.

  • I have no way to test it now, but I believe with ModeloVideo::orderBy('created_at','desc')->paginate(10); should work, but you will receive one LengthAwarePaginator and will have to treat... use the dd(); to test. Which version of the Laravel you are using?

3 answers


To perform the search with the orderBy and the paginate just use the following syntax:

ModeloVideo::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

Just like this reply and that one in the Soen.


Avoid doing so, only a few cases:

$modeloVideo = ModeloVideo::all()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

because, you’re bringing in the all() all records in the database in a Collection class and then there’s a mistake because it doesn’t exist orderby in class Collection the command is sortBy and finally generates a pagination, then is all wrong, because, already bring the mass of data (all records) from the base to then make ordering and pagination generates a big bottleneck in your application. A SQL built for this command is: SELECT * FROM modelo_video.

Correct way: first sorts values of the database and then makes the pagination all this already coming ready the data of your table, ie in SQL written by framework Eloquent, example:

$modeloVideo = ModeloVideo::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

and the SQL built for this command (basically speaking) is: SELECT * FROM modelo_video ORDER BY created_at DESC limit 10 offset 0, and this data already comes the specific quantity and this is the big difference. Observing: that one SQL is an example, the paginate method searches information for page in several of own Framework, That’s just to exemplify the neck part.


before using the orderBy you need to search the records in the bank:

ModeloVideo::all()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

->all(): search all bank records

->orderBy: orders the values sought

for paging you will need to use the method ->paginate, see the example in official documentation

The error is caused because the method orderBy is not part of instances of Model and yes of collections.

  • I couldn’t understand, can you enter the complete query that meets this condition please? $modeloVideo = Modelovideo::paginate(10); want to page by 10 and display order by desc

  • updated the Deny response

  • Thanks, but it still didn’t work, I updated the answer with the code.

  • publish which error you found...

  • Badmethodcallexception Method orderby does not exist.

  • 1

    thanks the holy will worked out just take the all()

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