Add accented characters within an array


Viewed 122 times


I have a variable that stores a name:

$nome = 'André Ramos';

I have a array that displays all letters:

$letras = array (

            'A' => 1,
            'B' => 2,
            'C' => 3,
            'D' => 4,
            'F' => 8,
            'G' => 3,
            'H' => 5,
            'I' => 1,
            'J' => 1,
            'K' => 2,
            'L' => 3,
            'M' => 4,
            'N' => 5,
            'O' => 7,
            'P' => 8,
            'Q' => 1,
            'R' => 2,
            'S' => 3,
            'T' => 4,
            'U' => 6,
            'V' => 6,
            'X' => 6,
            'W' => 6,
            'Y' => 1,
            'Z' => 7,
            'Á' => 5,
            'É' => 4,
            'Í' => 8,
            'Ó' => 6,
            'Ú' => 3,
            'Ã' => 7,
            'Ñ' => 2


When you enter the name in the variable $nome I need the array $letras check each character and display its value. You need to display the value of accentuated letters as well.

For example:

$nome: 'André';

array (size=5)
  0 => int 1
  1 => int 5
  2 => int 4
  3 => int 2
  4 => int 4

Can someone help me ?

  • 1

    Start by studying the function mb_strlen

  • 1

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2 answers


Your problem is basically walking through a string marked. The problem is that PHP, by default, will scroll through the characters at each byte, getting lost in multibyte characters, as in the case of accented letters. For example, strlen('andré') returns 6 instead of 5, because the letter é demand 2 bytes and the string integer has 6 bytes in total.

As discussed in:

You can do:

$nome = 'andré';

if (preg_match_all('/./u', $nome, $caracteres) !== false) {
    $numeros = array_map(function ($letra) use ($letras) {
        return $letras[mb_strtoupper($letra)];
    }, $caracteres[0]);


The result will be:

array (
  0 => 1,
  1 => 5,
  2 => 4,
  3 => 2,
  4 => 4,

Documentation of functions for research:

  • thank you very much, that’s exactly what I was looking for. I’ll study more about!


Follow the answer man...

    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

    $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    $f_lambda = create_function('$a,$b', 'return array_key_exists($a,$b);');
    $arr_str_acentuados = array('Á' => 0,'É' => 0, 'Í' => 0, 'Ó' => 0, 'Ú' => 0);
    $frase = "É uma fraude! Como é fácil identificar essa coisas! Ótima solução!";
    $str_arr = str_split(mb_strtoupper(utf8_decode($frase),$encoding));

    foreach ($str_arr as $v)

  • Could you explain your solution? Why use create_function, which is an obsolete function from PHP 7.2, to just call array_key_exists? It is not easier to call the function directly?

  • Yes, it is obsolete in version 7 and the manual indicates as an option the use of Anonymous Functions. $f_lambda = Function($a,$b) { Return array_key_exists($a,$b); };

  • And why do that? It’s no longer simple to do if (array_key_exists($a, $b))?

  • Thanks @Carlosmesquitaaguiar

  • Not at all @Js Dev!

  • @Carlosmesquitaaguiar, you can ask another question?

  • @Carlosmesquitaaguiar I edited the question, actually I need some other information, if I can take a look, thank you.

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