Module Facebook Magento 1.9 does not load


Viewed 28 times


When accessing the Facebook module (version 2.6.2) for Magento 1.9 it did not load and the screen was blank. When accessing the error log ( var/log/facebook_product_feed_exception.log )I identified the following Exception:

facebook ERROR1:Call to a Member Function getId() on null @ /home//public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable/Price.php

  • Hello Martins, all right? From what I understand you have already found the solution to your correct problem? Could answer your own question with the resolution found?

  • Hello Vinicius, thanks for the observation. Hug!

1 answer


To fix the problem go to the specified file ( /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable/Price.php ) and change line 85:

of $attributeId = $attribute->getProductAttribute()->getId();

To $attributeId = $attribute->getId();

Then the module came to work perfectly.

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