Inserting javascript in joomla header 2.5.8


Viewed 246 times


Many years I don’t touch joomla and an old client asked me to insert a javascript in the site header. How do I do this? The joomla version is 2.5.8

The main page code is

    /* Design by VTEM  All Rights Reserved */    
    defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );    
    JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true);    
    include_once(JPATH_ROOT . "/templates/" . $this->template . '/vtemtools/default.php');    

    <!DOCTYPE html>    
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" dir="<?php echo $this->direction; ?>">    

    <body id="vtem" class="<?php echo css_browser_selector().' '.$pageoption.' '.$pageview.' template-'.$TemplateStyle.' logo-'.$logo;?>">    
      <div id="vt_body_wrapper">    
          <div id="vt_main_wrapper">    
        <div id="vt_wrapper" class="clearfix">

          <!-- /////////////////// HEADER LAYOUT ///////////////////////////////-->    
          <div id="vt_header_section" class="vt_header_section clearfix">      
                      <div id="vt_drawer_head_top" class="vt_drawer_head_top clearfix">      
                     <?php if ($this->countModules('drawer1 + drawer2 + drawer3 + drawer4 + drawer5 + drawer6 ')) : ?>    
                          <div class="vt_wrapper_drawer clearfix">    
                          <div class="vt_section clearfix">    
                             <div id="vt_drawer" class="vt_drawer clearfix">    
                                  <?php echo VTEMShowModule('drawer', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                     <?php endif;?>                        

                        <div class="vt_wrapper_header clearfix">    
                        <div class="vt_section clearfix"> 
                             <div id="vt_header" class="vt_header clearfix">    
                                  <?php echo VTEMShowModule('header', 'vt_xhtml', 6, 'header1', 'header2');?>    

                      <?php if ($this->countModules('top1 + top2 + top3 + top4 + top5 + top6 ')) : ?>    
                        <div class="vt_wrapper_top clearfix">    
                         <div id="vt_top" class="vt_top clearfix">    
                              <?php echo VTEMShowModule('top', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                     <?php endif;?>  

           <!-- /////////////////// MAIN LAYOUT ///////////////////////////////-->

           <div id="vt_main_section" class="vt_main_section clearfix">    
               <?php if ($this->countModules('showcase1 + showcase2 + showcase3 + showcase4 + showcase5 + showcase6 ')) : ?>    
                  <div class="vt_wrapper_showcase clearfix">    
                  <div class="vt_section clearfix">      
                     <div id="vt_showcase" class="vt_showcase clearfix">    
                          <?php echo VTEMShowModule('showcase', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                          <div class="clr"></div>        
               <?php endif; ?>               

             <?php if ($this->countModules('feature1 + feature2 + feature3 + feature4 + feature5 + feature6 ')) : ?>    
                      <div class="vt_wrapper_feature clearfix">    
                      <div class="vt_section clearfix">    
                         <div id="vt_feature" class="vt_feature clearfix">    
                              <?php echo VTEMShowModule('feature', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                              <div class="clr"></div>    
              <?php endif;?>

                <div id="vt_main_inside" class="clearfix">    
                <div class="vt_section clearfix">    
                  <div id="vt_main_contaner" class="clearfix">    
                  <?php if(($pageview == "wrapper") || ($Layout == "wf")) :    
                           echo '<div id="vt_full">';    
                                if($SystemMessages == 1) :    
                                   echo '<jdoc:include type="message" />';    
                           echo $component.'</div>';

                        else : // LEFT-BODY_RIGHT ////////////////

                                if($this->countModules('left')) :    
                                    echo '<div id="vt_nav_left" class="vt_auto_cols '.$navleft.' '.$leftfloat.'">'.$modleft.'</div>';    
                                    echo '<div id="vt_main_com" class="vt_auto_cols '.$contentwidth.' '.$bodyfloat.'">    
                                             <div class="vt_component_inside">';    
                                                 if($SystemMessages == 1) :    
                                                    echo '<jdoc:include type="message" />';    
                                                    echo $component;    
                                                 if ($this->countModules('inset1 + inset2')) :    
                                                    echo '<div id="vt_inset" class="vt_inset clearfix">'.VTEMShowModule('inset', 'vt_xhtml', 2).'</div>';    
                                   echo ' </div>    
                                if($this->countModules('right')) :    
                                   echo '<div id="vt_nav_right" class="vt_auto_cols '.$navright .' '. $rightfloat.'">'.$modright.'</div>';    

                            // END LEFT-BODY_RIGHT ///////////////////////////    
                        endif; ?>    

            <?php if ($this->countModules('utility1 + utility2 + utility3 + utility4 + utility5 + utility6 ')) : ?>    
               <div class="vt_wrapper_utility clearfix">    
               <div class="vt_section clearfix">    
                 <div id="vt_utility" class="vt_utility clearfix">    
                        <?php echo VTEMShowModule('utility', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                        <div class="clr"></div>    
            <?php endif; ?>   

            <?php if ($this->countModules('bottom1 + bottom2 + bottom3 + bottom4 + bottom5 + bottom6 ')) : ?>    
               <div class="vt_wrapper_bottom clearfix">      
                 <div id="vt_bottom" class="vt_bottom clearfix">    
                          <?php echo VTEMShowModule('bottom', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                          <div class="clr"></div>    
            <?php endif; ?>      

          <!-- /////////////////// FOOTER LAYOUT ///////////////////////////-->  

      <div id="vt_footer_section" class="vt_footer_section clearfix">    
          <div class="vt_section clearfix">    
            <div id="vt_wapper_footer">    
               <?php if ($this->countModules('footer1 + footer2 + footer3 + footer4 + footer5 + footer6 ')) : ?>    
                     <div id="vt_footer" class="vt_footer clearfix">    
                            <?php echo VTEMShowModule('footer', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                            <div class="clr"></div>    
               <?php endif; ?>

               <div class="wapper_copyright_gotop clearfix">    
               <?php if ($this->countModules('copyright1 + copyright2 + copyright3 + copyright4 + copyright5 + copyright6 ')) : ?>    
                     <div id="vt_copyright" class="vt_copyright clearfix">    
                            <?php echo VTEMShowModule('copyright', 'vt_xhtml', 6);?>    
                            <?php if($totop) echo '<div id="gotop"><p><a href="#vtem" title="Back to Top"><span>Go Top</span></a></p></div>';?>    
               <?php endif; ?>    
               <div class="clr"></div>    
                <?php echo $vtcopyright;?>    
    <?php include_once(JPATH_ROOT . "/templates/" . $this->template . '/vtemtools/debug.php');?>    

The script would be this one:

<script type="text/javascript" id="PrivallyApp" src="" pid="3738be7e-70997729" async></script>

Then I still need to play another script in the body of a page.

  • You want this code on every page or just on some specific page?

1 answer


I believe that the Administrator area may be even easier to solve this. But it may depend a little on your theme... In this example with this theme had the tag <head> in the .php ai facilitated.

I’ll give you two options, one using the tag <script> and the other putting the file .js in a folder with the others .js of the theme.

After logging into the Adm area go to the Themes session inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Now click on this link to enter the customization options of the theme inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Now click on the link referring to the main page of your theme inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It will open a page similar to the one where you can insert the script link inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Ready your scriot will appear like this on your page inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Option 2

If your theme has a call for the scripts you can include the . js file right on the page and call on the Main Page inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the browser will look like this Notice the footsteps of your . JS page on the theme! inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


That would be a close path from what you must have there to the folder of .JS inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

And this is the Main Page path you have to change, in case you want to access it in hand inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thanks for the tip and attention brother, but the theme that my client uses does not present the Head and does not have to make the second option. :(

  • @Alessandroramos then puts it right there in php and makes a test, because the script tag does not need to be inside the head

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