Httpclient reuse and an Apicontroller lifecycle


Viewed 66 times


Based on that website and also in some answers from Stackoverflow [en] I came to the conclusion that I shouldn’t use the class HttpClient in a block using despite the same implement IDisposable. This would help in the reuse of the already instantiated object and bring performance improvements among others.

But consider the following code snippet:

public class MyServiceController : ApiController
    private static HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();

    public void Post()
        // ...
        var result = await _httpClient.GetAsync("");
        // ...

My API is consuming another service, but if when we talk about the life cycle of MyServiceController, there would be no reuse since each request of the Post will create a new instance of the class, correct? In that case I could implement normally using the block using?

  • If you make it public and start at startup

  • 3

    @Leandroangelo thanks for your comment. Leaving the HttpClient class audience startup could not bring me trouble if MyServiceController receive many simultaneous requests?

1 answer


I would create a BaseApiController abstract inheriting the ApiController and add the HttpClient as an audience there

public  abstract class BaseApiController : ApiController
    public static HttpClient meuHttpClient { get; set; }

And would do the boot on _Application_Start() of Global.asax.Cs

protected void Application_Start()

    BaseApiController.meuHttpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

So you change your inheritance Controllers to the BaseApiController and you can use that instance of the Httpclient that was initialized at the beginning of the application.

public class MyServiceController : BaseApiController
    public void Post()
        // ...
        var result = await meuHttpClient.GetAsync("");
        // ...

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