Quit two PHP Foreachs


Viewed 218 times


I need to iterate several Collections and if I find a condition I should leave more than one iteration loop.


    foreach ($order->getItemCollection() as $item) {
        foreach ($order->getFreight()->getPackageCollection() as $packs) {
            foreach ($packs->getItemCollection() as $packItem) {
                if ($item->getSku() == $packItem->getSku()) {
                    break ;

How can I do that ?

2 answers


You can also use break 2 to get out of both loop´s:

Example: Ideone

foreach ($order->getItemCollection() as $item) {
     foreach ($order->getFreight()->getPackageCollection() as $packs) {
         foreach ($packs->getItemCollection() as $packItem) {
             if ($item->getSku() == $packItem->getSku()) {
                 break 2 ;

The numerical argument (2) serves to indicate how many nested structures the break must interrupt, see more here.


You can use a variable;

$sair = FALSE;
foreach ($order->getItemCollection() as $item) {
    foreach ($order->getFreight()->getPackageCollection() as $packs) {
        foreach ($packs->getItemCollection() as $packItem) {
            if ($item->getSku() == $packItem->getSku()) {
                $sair = true;
            if ($sair) break;
        if ($sair) break;
    if ($sair) break;

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