Change Google Maps default pin color


Viewed 579 times


Good morning guys, it’s my first question here, so if I do anything out of the norm I apologize in advance.

Need to change the default color of the google maps pin to some hexadecimal value, would it be possible? I already anticipate that I can not create pngs of each color and search for a url because the color comes from the database.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follow my code below:

var marcador = new MarkerWithLabel
  position    : {lat: parseFloat (dados.latitude), lng: parseFloat (dados.longitude)},
  raiseOnDrag : true,
  map         : mapa,
  icon        : // preciso fazer algo aqui para que o pin assuma a co com base no hexadecimal que vem da variável
  visible     : true

Thanks in advance

1 answer


There are some different color markers that you can use; blue, red, purple, yellow, green.

So you can use the structure that you put in the question and put one of these markers as icon:

var marcador = new MarkerWithLabel
  position    : {lat: parseFloat (dados.latitude), lng: parseFloat (dados.longitude)},
  raiseOnDrag : true,
  map         : mapa,
  icon        : ' hexadecimal'
  visible     : true

You can take a look in this answer of soen which is more or less what you intend to do.

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