Problems with date transformation function


Viewed 74 times


$data           			= $_POST["data"];	

// Recebe a variável com a data, e cria um objeto DateTime a partir do formato especificado.
$objetoData = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $data);

// Reformata a data do jeito desejado
$data = $objetoData->format('Y-d-m');

I have this function where it changes the date to the format I want. Example the date enters as 12/13/2018 and when pass the exit function 2018-12-13.

The problem is that the function is only worked for old dates using the example above only works from day 12 behind day 13 q the current it shows another date that would be 2019-12-01.

1 answer


Let’s look at your code:

$data = "12/13/2018";
$objetoData = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $data);

In the variable $data you have 3 pieces of string 12, 13and 2018separated by slash. On the object DateTime you configure the format in d, m and Yseparated by slash. This means that:

d = 12
m = 13 (mês que não existe)
Y = 2018

Therefore, by default, the object was created for the beginning of the month 2019, because the year that was reported was 2018. Why it works up to 12.


You can change the format for m/d/Y or you can change the date to "13/12/2018". You need to see what’s best for your algorithm.

It would look like this for example:

$objetoData = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $data);

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