How to take the white background when selecting logins saved on the login page


Viewed 70 times


Good night, you guys!

I’ve got a question I can’t solve on my own.

On my login screen, when I type in the login, the input background continues the way I’ve styled it. But when I select a saved login, the input background returns to its default style.

This first image, is the way when I type in the login, without selecting the option that the browser gives me.

Forma com quando eu digito o login

In this second image, it is the way it is when I select the option that the browser gives me

Forma quando eu seleciono a opção que ficou salva

I wonder, how I do to remove this defect to stay gives shape I stylized.

  • Another In the past I still managed to change this, but nowadays this is standard of the Browser and User-agent, it is no longer possible to change this as far as I know...

  • Dude, I wouldn’t even worry about it. What matters is the initial appearance. If the browser changes this, let it be happy. You did your part rs.

  • Or, you want to appeal with the browser? Use editable Divs and hidden inputs (like hidden).

  • I got it, guys, thanks for your help.

  • I managed to give a rsrsrs tapeada :)

1 answer


Are you all right, my dear? So, this is a pattern that indicates that the text was selected using the autocomplete, but to "cover" this default color and make it 'invisible', creates a class for your input, Ex.:

<input type="text" name="user" class="meu_input">

Calls the input in CSS using the class you created, then just paste this line here, should solve your problem, Ex.:

    -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px white inset;

I hope I helped, Hugs!

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