Puzzle with DIV


Viewed 340 times


In my games in HTML and Javascript, I tried to create a mini puzzle with the block and the fitting place where it will be placed.

function parseNumber(num) {
return parseFloat(num.replace(/[^\d]/)) || 0;
var movePopUp = (function() {
var startX;
var startY;
var currentPopUp = null;
var currentWidth = 0;
var currentHeight = 0;
var currentLeft = 0;
var currentTop = 0;
var callMoveOnPopUp = null;
var callMoveStopPopUp = null;
var contentMove = '.popup .title';
var move = false;
var marginStop = 30;
var maxWidth = window.innerWidth - marginStop;
var maxHeight = window.innerHeight - marginStop;
jQuery(contentMove).on('mousedown', function(e) {
    currentPopUp = this.parentNode.parentNode;
    currentLeft = parseNumber(currentPopUp.style.left);
    currentTop = parseNumber(currentPopUp.style.top);
    startX = e.clientX;
    startY = e.clientY;
    if (typeof(callMoveOnPopUp) == 'function')
    move = true;
jQuery(document).on('mouseup', function() {
    if (currentPopUp == null) return;
    if (typeof(callMoveStopPopUp) == 'function')
    currentPopUp = null;
    move = false;
jQuery(document).on('mousemove', function(e) {
    if (move == true) {
        var newX = currentLeft + e.clientX - startX;
        var newY = currentTop + e.clientY - startY;
        if (marginStop > e.clientX) return;
        if (marginStop > e.clientY) return;
        if (maxWidth < e.clientX) return;
        if (maxHeight < e.clientY) return;
            'left': newX,
            'top': newY,
return function(func1, func2) {
    callMoveOnPopUp = func1;
    callMoveStopPopUp = func2;
    position : fixed;
    width : 200px; /*LARGURA DO CAMPO*/
    height : 200px; /*ALTURA DO CAMPO*/
    border : 1px solid #000;
    border : 2px solid #000;
.popup .title{
  width: 260px; /*LARGURA DO CAMPO*/
  margin: 5px;
  cursor : move;
  color: black;
  height: 185px; /*ALTURA DO CAMPO*/
  line-height: 185px;
  background-color: transparent;
  text-align: center;
  width: 71.5%;
	background-color: lightgray;
    width : 200px; /*LARGURA DO CAMPO*/
    height : 200px; /*ALTURA DO CAMPO*/
    margin-top: 50%;
    margin-left: 50%;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 20px;
	background-color: gray;
  font-size: 10px;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="popup" style="top:50px; left:50px;" value="bloco">
      <div class="title">
        <div id="texto1">
    <div class="popup_body">
  <div id="encaixe">
  	<br><br><br>encaixar bloco aqui<hr>
    obs. quando ele for encaixado aqui, seu valor será alterado via JavaScript;

Only this way, I wanted that block at the time of the fixed fit inside the div, change its value (value) by means of a jQuery function or by Javascript itself.

Which method would be more practical and logical to put this block inside the socket and also to change its value when it was inside it automatically?

  • Because the dragging block and the place it fits doesn’t have the same kind of positioning ? Having different types of positions the values you get in the left and top just don’t play

  • If the tag with the class popup without the left and top properties, the same thing would happen. The point is that I wanted to put the block inside its socket, with a jQuery or Javascript manipulation, changing its value in the tag.

  • But the way it is, if they have the same value as top and left will not be in the same place on the page, and so you create a difficulty in "fit the element" because you do not know when they fit because equal values do not play

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