Problems with selectOneMenu


Viewed 725 times


I have a table and in this table I have the option to edit.

Clicking on the edit option opens the dialog and all fields (columns) of the current row I want to edit are filled in.

A list is loaded on selectOnMenu but it doesn’t bring me the current line item I chose to edit.

<p:dialog id="dl-editar" widgetVar="editar" header="Editar Medicamento"
    showEffect="fade" hideEffect="explode" closable="true" closeOnEscape="true"
    resizable="false" maximizable="false" modal="true" appendTo="@(body)">

        <p:spacer height="10px;"/>
        <h:form id="form-editar">
            <h:panelGrid id="panel-editar" columns="1">
                <p:outputLabel value="Medicamento"/>
                <p:inputText   value="#{BeanMedicamento.medicamento.nome}" size="32" maxlength="80" />
                <p:outputLabel value="Concentracao"/>
                <p:inputText   value="#{BeanMedicamento.medicamento.concentracao}" size="10" maxlength="80"/>
                <p:outputLabel value="Preco" />
                <p:inputText   value="#{BeanMedicamento.medicamento.preco}" size="10"/>
                <p:outputLabel value="Quantidade"/>
                <p:inputText   value="#{BeanMedicamento.medicamento.quantidade}" size="10"/>
                <p:outputLabel value="Laboratorio"/>
                <p:selectOneMenu value="#{}" filter="true">
                    <f:selectItem  itemLabel="Selecione" itemValue=""/>
                    <f:selectItems value="#{BeanMedicamento.listaLaboratorio}"  var="lista"
                        itemLabel="#{lista.sigla}" itemValue="#{}" />

            <h:panelGrid columns="3">
                <p:spacer width="35px;"/>
                <p:commandButton value="Sim" icon="ui-icon-check" 
                oncomplete="PF('editar').hide(); tbmedicamento.clearFilters()"
                update=":form-tabela:tabela :mensagem"/>
                <p:commandButton value="Não" icon="ui-icon-close"
                oncomplete="PF('editar').hide(); tbmedicamento.clearFilters()"
        <p:spacer height="10px;"/>  

Primefaces 4.0

Javax.faces 2.2.5

1 answer


Without analyzing the application details, I can’t tell you why the item is not selected.

However, I suggest that instead of selecting by the ID of an object (which may be null), create a Converter for the component selectOneMenu, in accordance with example of documentation. There’s one more example here.

This will allow you to directly select the lab, for example:

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{BeanMedicamento.medicamento.laboratorio}" 
        converter="laboratorioConverter" filter="true">
    <f:selectItems value="#{BeanMedicamento.listaLaboratorio}" var="lista"
                    itemLabel="#{lista.sigla}" itemValue="#{lista}" />

To have an empty item, add a Lab with no description or id at the top of the list and treat this in your Converter.

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