I am trying to develop a small program that allows me to rename a set of files (pdf type existing in a given directory and whose name is sequential: 001.pdf, 002.pdf, 003.pdf, etc.), using existing information in a txt file.
The information in the txt file is as follows:
"2500" "_" "W1" "001" "E" "04"
"2500" "_" "W1" "002" "E" "05"
"2500" "_" "W1" "003" "E" "04"
The goal is for pdf files to be renamed based on txt text lines, not using quotes. For example the 001.pdf file would be 2500_W1001E04.pdf and so on.
The code that I already have and which I think could allow us to go further is as follows::
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace _utilitarios
public partial class FormRenomear : Form
public FormRenomear()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Diretorio que contem os ficheiros pdf e o txt de referência para a renomeação dos ficheiros.
string directory = @"C:\Users\arquivo1\arquivo2\";
//Ficheiro do tipo txt que contém a lista para renomear os ficheiros.
string filenames = File.ReadAllText(directory + "lista.txt");
//Remove as aspas e separa por espaços.
string[] listFilenames = filenames.Replace("\"", "").Split('\t');
int i = 0; //Usado para aceder á lista de ficheiros.
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory))
//Ignorar o ficheiro txt.
if (!file.EndsWith(".txt"))
//Renomear o ficheiro.
File.Move(file, directory + listFilenames[i] + ".pdf");
And what exactly is your problem? What is not working in your code?
– João Martins
The result I get after running the code is not what I want. In the 3 examples, what I get is the renamed files: _.pdf ; 2500.pdf ; W1.pdf
– Paulo Ferreira