Is it possible to change Placeholder in Focus with CSS?


Viewed 1,051 times


Imagine I have one input to the phone number, but that when the user focuses on it I want to change the text of the placeholder, for example of "telephone" for "only numbers".

You can do this with CSS on :focus for example. Or I have to use JS?

Quando focar nesse inpute gostaria de trocar o texto do placeholder para por exemplo "apenas números"
<input type="tel" placeholder="telefone" name="" id=""> 

4 answers


First method

You can use javascript, I took the Focus and Seto event the value in the placeholder and onblur to return to the previous value, and you choose which element you want to do this effect using querySelector.

var elemento = document.querySelector("input");
elemento.onfocus = function(){
    elemento.placeholder = "apenas número";
elemento.onblur = function(){
    elemento.placeholder = "telefone";
Quando focar nesse inpute gostaria de trocar o texto do placeholder para por exemplo "apenas números"
<input type="tel" placeholder="telefone" name="" id="">

Second method

I created a new way in which you will only worry about javascript once, just put the class alter-placeholder in the element and the attributes placeholder-Focus and placeholder-Blur defining the text, see an example:

var elemento = document.querySelector(".alter-placeholder");
elemento.onfocus = function(){
	elemento.placeholder = this.getAttribute('data-placeholder-focus');
elemento.onblur  = function(){
	elemento.placeholder = this.getAttribute('data-placeholder-blur');
Quando focar nesse inpute gostaria de trocar o texto do placeholder para por exemplo "apenas números"
data-placeholder-focus="apenas número" 
type="tel" name="" id="">

  • 1

    Vitor thanks for the contribution, I believe that this code will help me even on other occasions! []s

  • 1

    I would recommend using data-placeholder-blur and data-placeholder-focus for placeholder-blur and placeholder-focus are not valid attributes, making your page an invalid HTML5 document.

  • Thanks @fernandosavio, you’re right, I edited my reply


I don’t know a way decent elegant to do this without using js, but if you are very keen to use only css, the gambetosa alternative below should break the branch:

  position: relative;

.input-holder .placeholderson{
  color: currentColor;
  opacity: .7;
  padding: 2px;
.input-holder input::placeholder {
  color: transparent;

.input-holder input:focus:placeholder-shown + .placeholderson.focused-placeholder{
.input-holder input:not(:focus):placeholder-shown  + .placeholderson.focused-placeholder + .placeholderson.blurred-placeholder {
<label class="input-holder">
  <input type="tel" name="" id="" placeholder="....">
  <div class="focused-placeholder placeholderson">Somente números...</div>
  <div class="blurred-placeholder placeholderson">Telefone...</div>

  • 2

    Incredibly, this is the closest way to semantically ideal in HTML. You have the elements correct making their respective roles, the only thing is that they are not displayed in the natural way - and almost always are not, the CSS is just for that. You can have the <label> informing the purpose of the field and a <span> warning restrictions; if they are displayed on the <input>, what’s wrong? This is what the Material uses to animate the placeholder:

  • 1

    Interesting @Andersoncarloswoss... I solved the required problem with the selector :placeholder-shown and adding a transparent placeholder. When the placeholder disappears from the same result as the :invalid


Only with CSS believe not, but with JS gives, including inline:

Quando focar nesse inpute gostaria de trocar o texto do placeholder para por exemplo "apenas números"
<input type="tel" placeholder="telefone" name="telefone" id="" onfocus='this.placeholder="apenas números"' onblur='this.placeholder="telefone"'> 

In the onfocus switched to alternative placeholder, and onblur back to the original. The placeholder is a property of the element and I believe can only be changed via Javascript.

  • Once again worth Sam


You can use the pseudo-element before of a div with contentEditable true to achieve an approximation of the desired result with CSS:

div[type=tel][contentEditable=true] {
  -moz-appearance: textfield;
  -webkit-appearance: textfield;
  background-color: white;
  background-color: -moz-field;
  border: 1px solid darkgray;
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 0 lightgray inset;  
  font: -moz-field;
  font: -webkit-small-control;
  margin-top: 5px;
  padding: 2px 3px;
  width: 398px;

div[type=tel]::before {
  color: #909090;
  font-weight: 300;
  transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

div[type=tel]:empty:not(:focus)::before {
  content: attr(data-placeholder);
  transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

div[type=tel]:empty:focus::before {
  content: attr(data-hint);
<div type="tel" contentEditable=true data-placeholder="telefone" data-hint="apenas números"></div>

  • Pretty cool, little code good use of css, the problem is that in Submit does not take the "value" of "input" if I am not mistaken.

  • @hugocsl is, I think really in this case it doesn’t stick at all, so it probably isn’t a good use with the form

  • It is worth more to curiosity for those who do not know much of pseudo element and pseudo class see a good use. although it doesn’t work at all can be used for other things on the front..

  • @hugocsl in real has a pseudo-element placeholder also, but I couldn’t figure out if I could exchange its contents for CSS

  • ::placeholder I think it’s just to style the typography of the text of placeholder=" " if the input accepts direct pseudo-element input::after, it distorts the placeholder

  • Check out the attributes that ::placeholder recognizes

  • 1

    @hugocsl is really just style. What we can expect is that, as it is experimental, maybe include something more later

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