Redirect 301 - Google App Engine Platform


Viewed 64 times


I use the Google Cloud App Engine Platform to Host Static Site and I’m having trouble doing the Redirect 301 of the version WWW for NOUN-WWW and also the version Http for Https.

The Server is Google Frontend This is the Main Domain -

I would like the versions below to be redirected to the Main Dóminio

The File I use to make the Deploy is APP.yaml, through the Gcloud Interface.


runtime: php55 
api_version: 2.3

   url: /
   static_files: index.html
   upload: index.html
   expiration: 0s
     Link:  <assets/img/logoWebPresencaDigitalTransparent.png>; rel=preload; as=image

I researched about Redirect and what they use is the Htaccess file, for APACHE Servers, I do not know how to implement through the app.yaml.


Following the hint of @dhauptman put the tag "Secure:Always" in each upload declaration of the app.yaml and solved the http -> https problem

   url: /
   static_files: index.html
   upload: index.html
   secure: always
   expiration: 0s

Problem now is how to use redirect_http_response_code: 301 to point to the domain ->

  • What problem exactly are you having? I recommend following this one’s instructions link.

  • The Domain Mapping already works, the problem is when I use for example the http address, I would like the Server to redirect to the https address. I just updated the issue of!

  • To redirect http to https include secure: always and redirect_http_response_code: 301 in the element handlers. More information here.

  • Secure:Always worked, thank you very much! the redirect_http_response_code:31 failed to implement ;(

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