Messaging System


Viewed 167 times


I’m looking to implement some elements of communication between users of my application. I thought about creating something that would allow messaging, something like Facebook, but it doesn’t have to be in real time. I even have the tables ready, but I don’t know where to start. Does anyone know how to do it? Some framework, tutorial, anything for me to at least start.

  • Explain a little more about your project. If it is a back-end, front-end system, if these messages will be seen in the refresh of the page, how they will be arranged, whether they will be multiple messages per page...?

  • @Marcosvinicius So basically my project is a site where people can write books and publish them on the site itself. To make it more interactive, I thought about this message idea. Within the user profile, it would have a reserved part for sending/receiving messages, almost like an email. And when accessing this part, the user would have the options to see the messages he received, delete and send messages, to any member registered on the site.

  • 1

    Then @Ryansantos has an API called Signair. It can help you get at least one north in this message situation. I will not send in response because it is too big the tutorial that has in this link on the site which is basically the construction of a chat. It is in real time but can help to tread a path.

  • 1

    @Érikthiago It’s a start, I’ll see if I can find more advanced examples. Thanks.

  • Take a look at the other tutos on the website I sent you. There are several !

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