create table LISTA_DE_PRODUTOS (
IDPRODUTO numeric identity,
PRECO money null,
DESIGNACAO varchar(50) null,
ALCOOLICO bit null,
constraint PK_LISTA_DE_PRODUTOS primary key nonclustered (IDPRODUTO)
create table ITENS (
IDTRANSACAO numeric not null,
IDITEN numeric identity,
IDPRODUTO numeric not null,
QUANTIDADE decimal(10,2) null,
constraint PK_ITENS primary key nonclustered (IDTRANSACAO, IDITEN)
create table TRANSACOES (
IDTRANSACAO numeric identity,
IDPULSEIRA numeric not null,
IDPOS numeric not null,
IDLOJA numeric not null,
VALOR_TOTAL money null,
DATA_DA_TRANSACCAO datetime null,
constraint PK_TRANSACOES primary key nonclustered (IDTRANSACAO)
create table LOJAS_PRODUTOS (
IDLOJA numeric not null,
IDPRODUTO numeric not null,
constraint PK_LOJAS_PRODUTOS primary key (IDLOJA, IDPRODUTO)
How do I create a Trigger to update stock with these tables?
With the following details:
Each of the transaction items can only be purchased if there is sufficient stock in the store in which the transaction is being made. If there is not enough stock of at least one of the products, the transaction and the respective items should not be loaded.
And how should the stock update be? Add in the topic description the details of what has to be done and mainly how.
– José Diz
"stock"!? Wouldn’t that be "stock"!?
– rbz
Thank you very much José. I have already added the details.
– Joao