Firebase Crashlytics: How to debug non-fatal errors?


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Hello! Good afternoon, sir. I have an application for Android (developed in Android Studio) that uses lib Mpandroid Chart (a lib for Charts).

Like any chart that we want to compile, we first need to have the data that will compose this graph. When we are using this lib (Mpandroid Chart) and we try to build a graph with no data (no entries), by default it displays in place of the graph, an "error" message that says there is no data so that it can display some chart. This message is like this:

Gráfico sem dados

The point is that this problem is only occurring in some cases and as is not a fatal problem (does not cause "crash" in the application), I need to somehow collect information from my application on the devices of users who are reporting this bug in order to understand why of this problem.

For that, I thought of using the Crashlytics.

I followed the official Firebase documentation step by step to be able to generate customized reports and capture information that can help me debug this problem. I added several lines of code like this:

Crashlytics.setString("Posts no face pagina 2", user_Likes_ARRAY_page2.toString());

The point is:

I’m not able to view and not even find in the Firebase console, the place where I should be able to see these custom logs.

Nor can I say if this is the best way to treat non-fatal errors in the application but that only occurs in some cases.

Could someone help me, please?

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