What is that nasm-created file when I "compile" it?


Viewed 98 times


I compiled an Assembly code in nasm using "nasm.exe -f Win64 program.asm -the program. o" and got more doubts than anything.

My intention in making this simple program is to take a pure code, Assembly, and make it executable and thus pass it by a debugger like Immunity dbg and if really what I programmed is actually "LITERAL" when interacting with the CPU.

I did that and I couldn’t run this program. o, I searched the internet and said I need to "link" - what would that be? - with mingw and I did it. But only I was left with more doubts, why this mingw ta in the middle of it? What is the purpose of that obj file?

I am using windows 10 and am a curious, just. In addition to finding almost nothing in Assembly for windows 10.

Sorry if the question is stupid, but I can not find explanations about it even in English, maybe I do another post in English to cover more people.

  • That file .o is a file called object file. He’s about to be an enforceable, but he’s not. Off the top of my head, I know that I and Maniero in separate responses we have already talked about object files and about link-editing, it is worth digging. I’ll try to find something in my answers to see if it helps to clarify.

  • https://answall.com/a/213804/64969 https://answall.com/a/236010/64969

  • https://answall.com/a/306915/64969

  • Thank you. I’ll take a closer look at what you suggested.

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