I can’t save data to the Firebase database - React Native


Viewed 347 times


I cannot save data in the Firebase database - React Native. I have already done the installation and import of Firebase in the project, the code is like this:

  var config = {
    apiKey: "***************************",
    authDomain: "configuracaofirebase-3a6ef.firebaseapp.com",
    databaseURL: "https://configuracaofirebase-3a6ef.firebaseio.com",
    projectId: "configuracaofirebase-3a6ef",
    storageBucket: "configuracaofirebase-3a6ef.appspot.com",
    messagingSenderId: "939162871117"


  var database = firebase.database();

render() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        onPress={ () => { this.salvarDados() } }
        title="Salvar dados"
        accessibilityLabel="Salvar dados"
      <Text>Meu App</Text>

The componentWillMount this working out, only it doesn’t work when I call the method salvarDados, appears the following error:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • post your code, not photos of it, makes it easier to understand the problem

2 answers


The problem with your code is in componentWillMount(). Your App is not being initialized in its function surrender(). Causing the componentWillMount() not be executed.

Example of component initialization:

export default class App extends component {
  componentWillMount() { . . . }

  render() {
    <App />

The solution to this is you include Appregistry (it can be after the render function), then your code will go through the componentWillMount()

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';

AppRegistry.registerComponent('<NomeDoProjeto>', () => App);

If you do not want to use Appregistry, you can include the firebase code in your constructor

constructor(props) {

  var config = { ... }
  • It didn’t work, you kept making the same mistake

  • putting firebase startup in the constructor as well?

  • yes, it is as if the firebase command is not active

  • this is all your code?

  • Yes, I made the imports like this: import firebase from '@firebase/app'; import '@firebase/firestore'; import '@firebase/auth';

  • to using firebase version 5.7.0 and React-Native version 0.57.7

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I was able to solve just by adding a new import.

It was like this: import firebase from '@firebase/app';

then I put it like this: import firebase from '@firebase/app'; import '@firebase/database';

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