Red item on screen prevent Submit - Javascript/Jquery


Viewed 68 times


I have a view with 3 divs and 20 input number in every row of my div and a input submit. Every line comes from my bank.

(For this example I will use only 3 inputs number).

Those of mine divs are like 3 categories of anything, I mean, I will exemplify here in SCHOOL GRADES and CATEGORIES will be STUDENTS.

How I use ASP . NET MVC to make the VIEW so I do not use <input>, but yes @Html.TextBox.. As it makes no difference to me that I write with @Html, because doubt does not refer to that, so I wrote with <input> to facilitate.

function validacao(contagem){
  var botao = false;
  var cor = "black;"
  var total = 0;
  Alem da contagem, eu passo outros parametros, para que eu consiga realizar a
  minha soma, então as removi, pois nao acho necessario para minha duvida.
  if (total < 9) {
    botao = false;
    cor = "black";
  } else {
    botao = true;
    cor = "red"
  for (var i = 0; i <= contagem; i++) {
    $("#meusInputs"+i).css('color', cor);
    $("#btn-salvar").prop('disabled', botao);
<script src=""></script>
<h3>Media de Notas</h3>
<div class="form-inline">
<div class="form-inline">
<p> Maria </p>
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
<div class="form-inline">
<p> Joao </p>
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
<input type="number" class = "form-control" id="meusInputs"+contagem onblur="validacao("+@contagem+")">
contagem++ // Usado no foreach da minha view ASP .NET MVC <br/>
<input type="submit" value="Salvar" id="btn-salvar">

During the filling of this page, I perform a validation in which the sum of a line does not exceed 8, if it exceeds the text of all inputs number that line becomes red and the submit gets disabled.

This validation I perform, OBLIGATORILY, in the onblur of EACH input number. However, as I follow the completion and validation (the others inputs number) become correct (i.e., below 8), my submit back to being enabled and my doubt is:

How do I make sure that if there is at least one input number with the text in red, my submit continue DISABLED?

  • 1

    Cara vc was very clear in the explanation. But without your JS it is impossible to answer you. Put tb your JS or jQuery etc

  • This part of JS and Jquery may get a little confused, but I’ll try to explain it to you with what I don’t understand

  • Values are integer numbers?

  • @Sam, yes, they’re whole numbers

1 answer


For ease, place a class on each line (I put linhas). So you can select them and make a loop on them, using the .each jQuery. The idea is to go through each line and add inputs by index (:eq(0) are the first, :eq(1) seconds etc.). If the values are greater than 8, disable the button and change the colors (see comments in the code):

$("[type=number]").on("blur", function(){
   // seleciona as linhas
   var linhas = $(".linhas");
   // número de inputs por linha
   var num_inps = 3;
   // desabilita começa com false
   var desabilita = false;
   for(var x=0; x<num_inps; x++){

      // valor da soma começa com 0
      var soma = 0;
      // percorre cada linha
         soma += Number($("input:eq("+x+")", this).val()) || 0;

      // se for maior que 8 a soma dos campos da linha
      if(soma > 8) desabilita = true;

      // altera as cores
         $("input:eq("+x+")", this).css("color", soma > 8 ? "red" : "black");
   // desabilita ou habilita o botão de for true ou false
   $("[type=submit]").prop("disabled", desabilita ? true : false);
<script src=""></script>
<h3>Media de Notas</h3>
<div class="form-inline linhas">
   <p> Maria </p>
   <input type="number" class = "form-control"><input type="number" class = "form-control"><input type="number" class = "form-control">
<div class="form-inline linhas">
   <p> Joao </p>
   <input type="number" class = "form-control"><input type="number" class = "form-control"><input type="number" class = "form-control">
<input type="submit" value="Salvar">

No need to use onblur and id’s in the fields.

  • but for example, in the line Maria, blz made the validation, painted of red and disabled boot, in the line of Joao, blz made the validation, not painted of red and enabled boot, I can save, even with the first line (maria) being red? (this can not happen) Because I went through Joao’s line and the boot was again enabled

  • While you have red lines the button remains disabled. You can test there.

  • blz I’ll test, thanks until then

  • This information can make you angry, rs, I used as lines to facilitate because I thought it would not be an important factor, in fact I need to add the columns, IE, Maria Nota1 with Nota1 of the Joao, this disturbs much your solution? If yes, since the mistake was mine, I adapt what you sent me and everything is fine :)

  • But the colors are by columns?

  • yes, they are, but the colors I was able to do, because it does not depend on the other columns, so when the sum of the items in column 1 is smaller q 9, the text is black again, the problem is the same button

  • I changed the answer. Give a test.

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