How to make these SQL requests?


Viewed 64 times


I’m developing a real estate portal but as it’s the first time I do one, I don’t know exactly how the logic works to achieve the desired result. After plotting a path, I’ll still have to turn it into requisitions SQL.

As can be seen in the image, I have variants for TIPO, for DORMITORIOS, for AREA, for VAGAS, for VALOR, for BAIRROS, for CODIGO.

Not exactly looking for ready answers, I seek ideas on how to accomplish this task and I am open to increase information according to the doubts found.

Things I already know:

  • When typing a CODIGO all other fields will be disregarded ...
  • I think I can start filtering by VALOR, AREA ...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    It seems that TYPE, DORMITORIOS, AREA, VACANCIES, VALUE and NEIGHBORHOODS are the filters and CODE would be a certain ad. If CODE is reported, disregard filters. I believe filters are optional, so each field can take a value default in case of not being informed and when informed you use the value in QUERY.

1 answer


There is not much secret about how it should be done, the business rule of your screen is usually:

IF code is informed, the other fields should be ignored, then, SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE codigo = 'codigo', otherwise, every time a field comes with data, you add in your WHERE one AND too much, ex:

  • with type of dormitory:

    SELECT * FROM imovel WHERE tipo_de_dormitorio = 'tipoDeDormitorio'
  • with dormitory type and dorm numbers:

    SELECT * FROM imovel 
        WHERE tipo_de_dormitorio = 'tipoDeDormitorio' 
        AND numero_de_dormitorios = numeroDeDormitorios
  • with dormitory type, dorm numbers and number of vacancies:

    SELECT * FROM imovel
        WHERE tipo_de_dormitorio = 'tipoDeDormitorio' 
        AND numero_de_dormitorios = numeroDeDormitorios 
        AND numero_de_vagas = numeroDeVagas

This is basically speaking, after you put normalization in your bank, you only need to put the JOIN in the right places.

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