Process form data with javascript and html


Viewed 207 times


I wanted to make a program that the user would send 3 notes and after pressing "Calculate", you would be redirected to a page that would appear your average. Who could help me:

 function calcular()
            var ac1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac1').value, 10);
            var ac2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac2').value, 10);
            var ac4 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac4').value, 10);              
            var media = ((ac1*2)+(ac2*2)+ac4)/5;
            alert("Sua média desta etapa foi "+media);

            input {
                margin-left: 100px;
                width: 45px;
        <form action="/teste1pag2" method="get">
                Digite sua nota da Ac1 aqui: <input type="number" id="ac1" min="0" max="10"> <br> 
                Digite sua nota da Ac2 aqui: <input type="number" id="ac2"> <br>
                Digite sua nota de participa&ccedil;&atilde;o aqui: 
                <input type="text" id="ac4" style="margin-left: 49px"> <br>
                <input type="submit" onblur="calcular()" value="Calcular!">

Thank you in advance!

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Using Javascript and HTML only:


 function calcular()
            var ac1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac1').value, 10);
            var ac2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac2').value, 10);
            var ac4 = parseInt(document.getElementById('ac4').value, 10);              
            var media = ((ac1*2)+(ac2*2)+ac4)/5;
            alert("Sua média desta etapa foi "+media);
            window.location.href = "pagina-destino.html?media="+media;

HTML - a tag <form>...</form> is not necessary for this solution.

Digite sua nota da Ac1 aqui: <input type="number" id="ac1" min="0" max="10"> <br> 
Digite sua nota da Ac2 aqui: <input type="number" id="ac2"> <br>
Digite sua nota de participa&ccedil;&atilde;o aqui: 
<input type="text" id="ac4" style="margin-left: 49px"> <br>
<input type="submit" onclick="calcular()" value="Calcular!">

target page.html

//Somente funciona para um parametro
//o split separa a string quando encontra o ?
var quebra = variaveis[1].split("=");

//o document.whitein escreve no html o conteudo
document.writeln ("O valor da média é: " + quebra[1]);

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