Count number of elements from a python list


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I have the following list:

lista = [ 'A','B','C','D']

I want you to count the number of elements up to a certain point, I know if you do len(lista) will count all the elements but what I want is for example until the C he will give me the number 3.

  • A for wouldn’t solve your problem?

  • but like I used to count up to C just as example, I want to ask a question, and count up to the letter that the person answer

  • But this to make it go, I’ll give you an answer as an example for you

  • I would answer, but Marcos . p, made a better code than mine

  • 1

    @Wictorchaves his answer is different and also from the result expected by him, more than one solution is always welcome! :D

  • 1

    What if there is repeated data in the list? For example, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c'], the result should be 3 or 5? You should always consider the first occurrence?

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3 answers


Just take the index and add up to 1, since the first index is 0.

lista = ['A','B','C','D']
print lista.index('C') + 1;

To pick the index of the array use the method "index".


You can use the index to find the position of the desired element and calculate the discounting amount of the total elements, for example:

lista = [ 'A','B','C','D']
indice = lista.index('C')
(indice + 1)


Another way would be to use the for, as Wictor proposes in the comments:

i = 0
lista = [ 'A','B','C','D']

for x in lista:
  if x == 'C':

But using index() Wictor’s answer is simpler and more elegant.

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