jQuery does not capture custom radiobutton clicked (click)


Viewed 35 times


I have a simple HTML that

<input name="chave_binaria" type="radio" id="radio_39" value="1" class="with-gap radio-col-green" checked>
<label for="radio_39">Esquerda</label>

<input name="chave_binaria" type="radio" id="radio_40" value="2" class="with-gap radio-col-green">
<label for="radio_40">Direita</label>

And I have the following jQuery code:


    $(document).on('change', 'input[name="chave_binaria"]', function(){

        let binary_key = $('input[name="chave_binaria"]:checked').val();

            url: baseURL+'requests/change_binary_key',
            data: {key: binary_key},
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',

            success: function(callback){

                if(callback.status == 1){

                    new Noty({
                        type: 'success',
                        text: '<i class="fa fa-check"></i> Chave binária alterada com sucesso!',
                        timeout: 3000


                    new Noty({
                        type: 'error',
                        text: '<i class="fa fa-times"></i> Erro ao alterar chave binária. Tente novamente.',
                        timeout: 3000

            error: function(message){
                console.log('Erro ao alterar chave binária: ', message.responseText);


}); /* ready */

When I click on radio button to check it, the jQuery function I created does not perform. I have tried using jQuery click in the function and also nothing. If I leave the radio button of the "raw" form of the HTML it works normally. What can be?

  • I gave Ctrl+C > Ctrl+V in your code and is capturing the click on radio perfectly. Only thing I changed was changing the function ajax by a console.log('Click capturado');. There is an error in your project console when you run the complete code?

  • This is because your radio is customized, you have to use the inspector Object to see where you are clicking.

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