How to solve the problem with the top bar of a Totalcross project


Viewed 43 times


I have a Totalcross Project and when I Gero an apk my program gets the space that is below the top bar of my android device and I would like the project to be below this top bar

  • 1

    Is there a way to post a print of what is happening? Only through the description I could not visualize the problem. If possible also, try to make a minimum code (preferably only the MainWindow and a control or other) that reproduces your problem. It is also interesting to say which version of Totalcross is being used

1 answer


For those who have the same problem as me, I was able to find the solution, and so I informed myself in the next updates of Totalcross this problem will be fixed, to solve this basically create this variable: "private int DPTOP = (int) (Settings.screenDensity*24);" out of the methods and when you are going to position the container or some component that will stand at the top of your screen, where you would normally put TOP, put the DPTOP variable, and so it will skip the correct space from the top of the mobile.

  • 2

    Particularly, I found that the description was confusing and macaroni. You gave a very proper and formatted response in that other answer. If I can make this answer as readable as the other one, I reverse my vote on this reply

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