How to hide the bootstrap modal via typescript


Viewed 125 times


Looking at the bootstrap documentation I saw that it has a specific method to hide the modal via jquery:


The problem is that I use angular, so I need a way to call this function through typescript. Using jquery in my scenario is not feasible and I need to remove via typescript as it will only be closed after successful http request.

1 answer


I got it this way:

Set a local variable for the close button with the modal date-Dismiss:

<button [disabled]="loadingVinculacao" #fechaModalVinculacao type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Fechar</button>

No typescript Acessei it by viewchield:

  @ViewChild('fechaModalVinculacao') fechaModalVinculacao: ElementRef; //Acesso ao elemento do dom

I perform click the close button through typescript if my request is successfully made:; //Fecha o modal se a requisição for feita com sucesso

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