bxSlider does not Reload when you click on your hidden Parent


Viewed 57 times



I have a slideshow that uses bxSlider and is inside a hidden DIV when loading the page. This bxSlider starts in another function I wrote below.

I have however a button to make appear all the hidden content but the slideshow is always hidden.

I’m using the bxSlider reload method but it doesn’t work.

And the html code of the slideshow inside the hidden div:

<div class="row">
<article class="container-fluid hiddenDiv">
    <aside id="slideshowContainer" class="col-xs-12 noPadding">
        <ul class="col-xs-12 noPadding">
            @foreach (var slide in slideshow)
                var isVideo = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.TypeOfMedia") == "Video";
                var title = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Title");
                var slideLink = !isVideo ? (slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Link").IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Link") : "javascript:void(0)") : slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Embed").IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Embed") : "javascript:void(0)";
                var text = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Text");
                var target = slide.GetBoolean("ItemPublisher:Item.OpenInNewWindow") ? "_blank" : string.Empty;
                var videoId = slideLink.Substring(slideLink.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                var imagePath = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Image");
                var imageVideoPath = string.Concat("https://img.youtube.com/vi/", videoId, "/0.jpg");
                var hasImagePath = imagePath.IsNotNullOrEmpty();
                var image = Images.GetImage(hasImagePath ? imagePath : imageVideoPath, 1270, hasImagePath ? 0 : 640);

                    <a @(isVideo ? "class=\"fancybox\"" : string.Empty) href="@slideLink" target="@target">
                        @if (isVideo)
                            @RenderIcon("fa-play-circle slideshowVideoIcon")
                        <div class="col-sm-4 hidden-xs slideText hidden">
                            @if (title.IsNotNullOrEmpty())
                        @RenderImage(ImageSettings.CreateImage(image, title))
        <div class="bx-pager">
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var slide in slideshow)
                        var isVideo = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.TypeOfMedia") == "Video";
                        var title = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Title");
                        var slideLink = !isVideo ? (slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Link").IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Link") : "javascript:void(0)") : slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Embed").IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Embed") : "javascript:void(0)";
                        var videoId = isVideo ? slideLink.Substring(slideLink.LastIndexOf('/') + 1) : "";
                        var imagePath = slide.GetString("ItemPublisher:Item.Image");
                        var imageVideoPath = string.Concat("https://img.youtube.com/vi/", videoId, "/0.jpg");
                        var hasImagePath = imagePath.IsNotNullOrEmpty();
                        var image = Images.GetImage(hasImagePath ? imagePath : imageVideoPath, 450, hasImagePath ? 0 : 150);
                            <a data-slide-index="@count.ToString()" href="">@RenderImage(ImageSettings.CreateImage(image, title))</a>                               
<article class="container-fluid">
    <a class="toggleContentControl"</a>   

Here’s my JS code:

function groupSection() {
var $hiddenDiv = $(".hiddenDiv ").parents("div.row").hide();
var $toggleBtnControl = $(".toggleContentControl");
var mySlider = $('#slideshowContainer> ul').bxSlider();

$toggleBtnControl.click(function (e) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var $text = $this.text();
    $hiddenDiv.slideToggle("fast", function () {
        $(this).find(".hiddenDiv ").slideToggle("fast"); 
    $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 200 }, "slow");
    $this.text($text == "More Information" ? "Less Information" : "More Information");

And the JS code where bxSlider is being started:

function onLoadPageSlideshow() {
if ($("#slideshowContainer").length) {
    $('#slideshowContainer> ul').bxSlider({
        pagerCustom: '.bx-pager',
    if ($(".bx-pager").length) {
        $('.bx-pager > ul').bxSlider({
            slideMargin: 0,
            autoReload: false,
            infiniteLoop: false, 
            pager: false,
            controls: true,
            breaks: [
                {screen: 0, slides: 2, pager: false},
                {screen: 460, slides: 3},
                {screen: 768, slides: 6}


I am probably not calling bxSlider correctly again. What can I do to open it when the contents are displayed?

  • Only with this information it is impossible to say anything. Show something of HTML and specify the problem more clearly.

  • You should only use the .reloadSlider() if you dynamically add a new item to the slider.

  • I edited my question with the html code. So, if I’m not adding a new item to the slideshow, which method should I?

  • When starting the component. Vc uses things without seeing the documentation?

  • I saw the documentation and forgot to explain that bxSlider is started in another function. I updated the code with this function. However I should not in any way reload the Bxslider in the "click" event I mentioned above?

  • I have updated the code for this subject. Someone can help?

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