Merge executable c#


Viewed 74 times


I have 2 Exe programs and would like to merge.

1 Exe Management Software

2 EXE Mongodb

For 1 EXE to work, Mongodb must be fully configured with the database implemented in specific directories. Currently Mongodb settings and embedding is done manually.

I would like to Create only one Executable !!! where Same Install Mongodb> Create BD Folder > Create Mongo Path DB > Download Database p/ Mongodb > Start Mongodb Service > (AND NOW RUN 1 EXE SFW MANAGEMENT ) STANDARD 1 EXE INSTALLATION.

What I could do. I only managed to bring the Executables through Button1(1.exe) and Button2(2.exe) (I managed to include[Embedded exe] them in the C# Project within Resources and call them through the button).

What is the best way to create a SETUP that includes two EXE.

Like the Ninite

1 answer


Good morning buddy,

It’s simple, create an application that first runs the Mongodb configurator, using the WaitForExit(). Soon after you can run the Management Software installer. It follows the logic of WaitForExit().

var process = Process.Start(...);


Note: To check installation 1, you can check the existence of the same on the computer or the existence of a folder.

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