Multiple applications consuming the same database


Viewed 150 times


Today I have an application that uses a database (Mongodb), but I have few users yet and as we know it is very difficult to have an application that is successful and accumulates many users.

Thinking about it I’m planning to create a second application that will use this same database, sharing the data, because the two use practically the same, however, with different purposes.

Simply put, a user who created an account in my application A, would be able to use the application B without making a new registration and even use their data that have already been registered.

I may be wrong, but if the two applications are small to medium-sized, I believe I will have no problems, but if I have the 'luck' of these applications become popular, what kinds of problems could I have? Can this architecture result in serious side effects? That would be a 'nut saving''?

1 answer


Anything can if you make the application the right way giving this functionality.

If you don’t have a good reason to keep it together don’t. You don’t really have savings. You’re saying it’s another application, so why should you use the same database? You probably don’t even have the same needs. If you have an eve reason to be well justified, you should be able to demonstrate gain. If you cannot not do.

After seeing all kinds of abuse in programming languages I’m now seeing abuse in databases. I have already answered a few times here on the site even about the unnecessarily adoption of Nosql in most scenarios. People adopt because it seems easier and more flexible. And one can’t imagine how much trouble and difficulty they will have in certain scenarios. The abuse I’m seeing is people "punching" all kinds of data in the bank like it’s Joana’s mother’s house just because the database lets them. Now that’s a dirty thing. Most of the Nosql adoption I see around is laziness to get it right. I can’t tell if that’s your case, only you know (I hope).

If you are "lucky" and achieve an explosive use, the least of your problems will be this, is the fact that you don’t understand what you need to do to scale the application, and that only a specialized person who knows your scenario can help. When you have a very large use you can rethink what you are doing.

  • Thank you very much for the answer, it has made my mind clear. I should keep together anyway, reflecting here I could say that it is even a single application, but I will create 'two brands' so saying, one will be for the management part and the other for the user to be able to get in direct contact with customers. As if it were stock control and the other part an E-commerce. I would have much given duplicate if it made separate.

  • 1

    This type of software seems to be more suitable when it is transactional. Then using Nosql or abandons this requirement and all kinds of problems can occur or recreate the transaction system in the application, which practically everyone does wrong, besides giving a monster job. Nosql is for applications that are not transactional.

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