How to make an auto ID increment relative to another field in Postgresql "Postgresql"?


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Personal it has been a long time since I look for a way to do this, what would be the correct way to make an auto increment that depends on another field as in the example below?

id_empresa | id_pedido
 1         | 1
 1         | 2
 1         | 3
 1         | 4
 2         | 1
 2         | 2
 3         | 1

I’ve already thought about making only one Rigger and process for all tables, only I don’t know how to do.

A coworker told me to do it this way:

1 This field would not be part of the primary key, so it would be a PK serial id, integer id id FK PK, integer num_ped.

2 I create a sequential table only to reference these ids, for example a record in this table would be, (request, 1) and its columns would be (table, sequence).

3 Every time I place an order I do an UPDATE with RETURNING in the sequential table.

4 Receiving this value I give an INSERT in the requested table

  • then it wouldn’t be a id, but a code that varies according to another column.. therefore, it cannot be auto-incrementable and must be controlled manually (at least as far as I understand postgresql).

  • @How am I supposed to handle it manually without any competition problems? I need to get this result, would it work smoothly if I did it in an sql only, an Insert referring to the maximum value +1? No need to block the table?

  • these two fields are of the same table? if yes, would not need to block it, since the sgbd does so at the time of Insert.

  • @But will it do that, block the table, at the time of INSERT INTO request(id_company, id_request) VALUES (1,(SELECT max(id_request) + 1 ON-DEMAND))

  • 1

    yes, can go that’s success =p Rovann posted as reply ;)

2 answers


At first, as rLinhares said, it’s not a PK, so you should send it to the bank.

a simple sub-query solves the problem:

insert into pedidos (id_pedido,id_empresa) values ((select coalesce(max(id_pedido),0) + 1 from pedidos where id_empresa = 1 ), 1) returning id_pedido;

The coalesce, serves for the first order, which is when there is none, it must return 0.

Note that the id_company value is used twice.

Escaping a little the question, and in advance, every request must have items, in this case I used the returning that will be the FK in the table of items (must be a FK composed with company, order, item) and to maintain integrity, this must all be within a transaction.

  • 1

    id_request and id_enterprise are a PK

  • Only I was told that. " In this case you will not have any lock. You will have a read of the requested table to compute a value and then an Insert. No transaction, Locks and isolation, nothing guarantees that another simultaneous connection will compute the same value as the requested id_value"

  • difficult, perhaps unlikely... and if it did, the bank itself would return a primary key duplication exception for one of the two transactions. This can be solved by changing transaction isolation level to serializable but slows down and can give other problems if the transactions are too long. But overall, the way it is is not a problem. About PK, yes PK is composed with request and company, so request is part of PK and not the PK itself, so the bank does not "take care" to make this self-improvement

  • A co-worker told me to do it like this, 1 This field would not be part of the primary key, so it would be a PK serial id, id_integer company FK PK, num_ped integer. 2 I create a sequential table only to reference these ids, for example a record in this table would be, (request, 1) and your columns would be (table, sequence) 3 Every time I place an order I do an UPDATE with RETURNING in the sequential table. 4 Receiving this value I give an insert in the requested table

  • nor would do this if it were the case... it matters little to have the id 3, and the next to be the 7 for a company, even more SERIAL, that if a transaction fails the number is lost... would make only the simple serial PK and a company FK and ball forward... in the case of bills (where it is necessary to follow the numbering) for example, follows this way and makes a UK with (series, model, number, issuer)


I got you guys

Based on this link and with a little improvement, follows below the final result

-- tabela onde ficará guardado as sequências de cada loja tabela e coluna
    CREATE TABLE public.sequencia_tabelas (
    id_empr integer NOT NULL,
    id_filial character(14) NOT NULL,
    tabela varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    coluna varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    proximo_indice integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.sequencia_tabelas OWNER TO postgres;

ALTER TABLE ONLY public.sequencia_tabelas
    ADD CONSTRAINT sequencia_tabelas_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_empr, id_filial, tabela, coluna);

COMMENT ON TABLE public.sequencia_tabelas
    IS 'Tabela de sequências amigáveis por empresa, filial, tabela e coluna';

-- Exemplo de inserção
-- INSERT INTO sequencia_tabelas(id_empr, id_filial, tabela, coluna, proximo_indice) 
-- VALUES ('1', '12345678910111', 'pedido', 'numero_pedido', '0');

-- function proximo id
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proximo_id(id_empr text, id_filial text, tabela text, coluna text) RETURNS integer AS $$
    proximo_valor integer;
    EXECUTE format('UPDATE sequencia_tabelas SET proximo_indice = proximo_indice + 1 WHERE id_empr = %L AND id_filial = %L AND tabela = %L AND coluna = %L RETURNING proximo_indice', id_empr, id_filial, tabela, coluna) INTO proximo_valor;
    RETURN proximo_valor;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

COMMENT ON FUNCTION proximo_id(text, text, text, text) IS 'Incrementa e retorna o valor da coluna inteira $2 na tabela $1';

-- Exemplo de inserção
-- INSERT INTO pedido(id_empr, id_filial, numero_pedido, emissao, observacoes) 
-- VALUES ('1', '12345678910111', proximo_id('1','12345678910111','pedido','numero_pedido'), LOCALTIMESTAMP, 'teste id');

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