What are the project organization standards?


Viewed 134 times


Large companies use methodologies in the development of projects that result in an organization of software (packages, classes, interfaces). There are various patterns that a programmer can use, but many people like me have doubts in choosing one of several. My question is which patterns are most used and what their purpose?

NOTE: I know that the topic can be very big, my suggestion would be that you present some 2 or 3 patterns that over the years have been efficient, their purposes and how to perform their modeling. I want to get my projects organized without the mess of various classes or mixed methods. You can post methodologies that you know or use.

  • 3

    The problem is that it is difficult to determine a "winning" answer if you do not make clear what your need is. Basically, many people will talk the way they do, and a list of suggestions will be formed, running away from the model proposed by the site. See: Stack Overflow in Portuguese is a forum?

  • is just what I seek that people give suggestions of things that they use...

  • 1

    And that’s just what runs away from the website model, and that’s why your query was closed. Maybe the same question can be well accepted on [chat], it costs nothing to try.

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