How to configure the Incrementby of a Postgre Id field using the Entity Framework Core


Viewed 37 times


I have a table mapped for Postgre, but when I update the database, the Personal Fieldphysicaenderecotipoid is being auto-incremented by 10 in 10 (by default). How do I map so that Incrementby is set to auto-increment 1 in 1?

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Mapping of the table:

public class PessoaFisicaEnderecoTipoMap : IEntityTypeConfiguration<PessoaFisicaEnderecoTipo>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<PessoaFisicaEnderecoTipo> builder)


        builder.HasKey(pfet => pfet.Id);

        builder.Property(pfet => pfet.Id)

        builder.Property(pfet => pfet.Descricao)
           .HasColumnType("character varying(50)")

        builder.Property(pfet => pfet.PadraoSistema)


  • and an explanation here: read and then speak to me!

1 answer


The 10 in 10 sequence is the default when you are using ForNpgsqlUseSequenceHiLo. You can create your custom sequence 1 in 1 and report as below:

modelBuilder.HasSequence("minha_sequencia", b => b.IncrementsBy(1))    

builder.Property(pfet => pfet.Id)
  • 1

    Thanks @Fabri Damazio. It worked 100!

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