Entity - Infinite loop in JSON conversion


Viewed 305 times


What happens

I’m having a problem using Entity with my application MVC. What happens is that when converting a class to JSON the program enters an infinite loop and ends up returning no-content


Taking the relationship as an example (1-n):

A Autor has several Posts.

What I realized by debugging is that with a JSON the following interpretation will occur:

An author has several posts. A post has an author. An author has several posts. A post has an author...

Of course that’s not really my class situation, but what happens is the same idea. When I go to see in my API the answer is no-content. When I insert [JsonIgnore] in my properties that is adjusted, but then I lose one side of the relationship, which is a price I cannot pay for the operation of the application.

I would like to know how to proceed and do the Entity do not enter this infinite loop.




public class Team : TEntity
  public int ID {get; set;}

  public string Function {get; set;}

  public int LeaderID {get; set;}

  public User Leader {get; set;}

  public List<TeamUser> Users {get; set;}


public class TeamUser : TEntity
  public int ID {get; set;}

  public int TeamID { get; set; }

  public int UserID { get; set; }

  //Aqui, sem essa anotação já retornaria "no-content" (acredito eu, devido ao bug do loop)
  public virtual Team Team { get; set; }

  public virtual User User { get; set; }


public class User : TEntity
  public int ID {get; set;}


  // o mesmo aqui
  public virtual IList<TeamUser> Teams {get; set;}

  // e aqui
  public virtual IList<Team> TeamsLeadered {get; set;}

Entity Configuration Files


  .Property(t => t.LeaderID)

  .HasOne(t => t.Leader)
  .WithMany(u => u.LeaderedTeams)
  .HasForeignKey(t => t.LeaderID);


  .Property(tu => tu.TeamID)

  .Property(tu => tu.UserID)

  .HasOne(tu => tu.Team)
  .WithMany(t => t.Users)
  .HasForeignKey(tu => tu.TeamID);

  .HasOne(tu => tu.User)
  .WithMany(u => u.Teams)
  .HasForeignKey(tu => tu.UserID);


public IEnumerable<Team> GetAll()

    var teams = _context.Teams
       .Include(t => t.Leader)
       .Include(t => t.Users)
       //Aqui eu precisaria de um ThenInclude(t => t.User) mas retorna no-content

    return teams;
  • Post the code you’re using for such a buddy routine

  • Add your code so we can help you.

  • Edited question, with code added. There I explain that, the way it is, it works, but to do a search of users of a Team for example, I can no longer.

  • How you are converting your object to JSON?

1 answer


When serializing your object add the property JsonSerializerSettings and configure to ignore loops when doing serialization.

If you are using the Newtonsoft.Json to carry out serialization would be as follows:

JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objeto1, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings
    ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore

If you are using ASP.NET Core Web Api, in your Webapiconfig.Cs add this setting:

config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

ASP.NET Core reference: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Loop-Reference-handling-in-caaffaf7

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