Information of a specific tag


Viewed 63 times


I am looking for information present in the tags of a repository with the following command that returns the information depending on the parameter I pass in the flag --format.

git tag --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate)"

The point is that this command returns me information of all tags present, but what I need is a specific tag.

Is there a command that I pass as parameter the name of the tag and has as response the information of the same?

Ex: git tag $nomeDaTag --format="%(taggerdate)"

1 answer


You can use the command grep after the output of the command to filter by branch name. See an example to filter by name branch v1.0.1:

$ git tag --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate)" | grep v1.0.1

Or, using the --list of git itself, you can also make this filter:

$ git tag --format="%(refname) %(taggerdate)" --list 'v1.0.1'

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