Get text from a select inside a javascript foreach


Viewed 413 times


Good afternoon

I have a select that dynamically adds row by row within a table, but my code only takes the text from the first line. I would like to take the text according to the line and pass to an Hidden input.


      '<select name="idcentrocusto[]" id="selectOption" onchange="getSelect();">'+
        '<option value="">Selecione Centro Custos...</option>'+
        '<?php foreach ($centrocustos as $c){?>'+
        '<option value="<?php echo $c->idcentrocusto?>">'+
          '<?php echo $c->centrocusto?>'+
        '<?php } ?>'+


function getSelect() {
 var vai=$('#selectOption option:selected').html();
 $('#centrocusto').attr('value', vai);


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  <table id="mytable" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
        <th>Delhamento Produto</th>

       <?php foreach ($produtos as $produto){?>
        <td id="id"><?php echo $produto->idproduto?></td>
        <td id="un"><?php echo $produto->un?></td>
        <td id="produto"><?php echo $produto->produto?></td>
        <td id="codigo"><?php echo $produto->codigo?></td>
        <td><input style="max-width: 55px" class="form-control" id="qnt" type="text" name="qnt[]"  onkeypress="return event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57"></td>
        <td><input style="width: 100%" class="form-control" id="detalhe" type="text" name="detalhe"></td>
        <td><button class="add glyphicon glyphicon-plus img-circle text-primary btn-icon"></button></td>

      <?php } ?>


<table id="tab" class="table table-striped table-bordered" >
                        <th id="tab_cab">Produto</th>
                        <th id="tab_cab">Qnt</th>
                        <th id="tab_cab">Detalhar Produto</th>
                        <th id="tab_cab">Centro de Custo</th>
                        <th id="tab_cab">...</th>

                   <tbody id="mytbody">

                         <th>Total de Itens: <span id="counter"></span></th>
                         <th style="text-align: center;"> <span id="total"></span></th>
  • id is unique, can not be repeated. It would be like you search for a person by CPF or some document number and there are several people with the same IDentification. I suggest you use classes to do this, this way.

  • Thanks for the return Fernado. How would it be that only replace the id by the class?

  • I am formulating an answer to explain better. Just wait a little. = D

  • Could you put the whole table structure please?

  • Ready already posted, these data goes to the <tbody id="mytbody">

  • Just exchange id for class, for example: class="tab_cab"

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2 answers


The id should be unique in a document if you need to use multiple elements with the same id probably what you want is to use classes.

I created an example where I use classes to select the input that is in the same tr of select clicked using the method jQuery.closest() together with the method jQuery.find() and the property HTMLSelectElement.selectedIndex (read-only).

How the <select> are inserted dynamically you can make use of delegation of events. I explain better about delegation of events in the question: Difference between click, bind, live, delegate, Trigger and on functions'?.


var $tbody = $('#table-body')
var row_template =  `
    <select name="idcentrocusto[]" class="select-custos">
      <option value="">Selecione Centro Custos...</option>
      <option value="1">Opção 1</option>
      <option value="2">Opção 2</option>
      <option value="3">Opção 3</option>
    <input type="text" class="custo" readonly>

// Ao clicar no botão, adiciona mais uma linha
$('#add-row').on('click', function() {

// Delega o evento de change dos selects ao <tbody>
$tbody.on('change', '.select-custos', function () {
  // Pega o texto da opção escolhida
  var selected_text = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text
  // Pega o input correspondente ao select clicado
<script src=""></script>

<button id="add-row">Add</button> <br>


  <tbody id="table-body">

  • Great response @Ernando :D +1

  • Ferndando ball show, but the input goes on the same line with the select, as it would be so?

  • Whenever I have to talk about delegation events point to that answer. I spent a lot of time writing it. It’s easier to link than to explain it all over again. hahaha

  • Each row will have its Hidden input with the select value?

  • Yes, that’s right. And it will receive the select text.

  • Hmmm.. got it. I’ll change the answer

  • So you don’t need that input with the selected ids right?

  • Amended answer. The biggest difference there is how to make the DOM Traverse with the jQuery.closest() and jQuery.find()

  • You gave it right. I really appreciate it.

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You can do it like this:

  '<select name="idcentrocusto[]" onchange="getSelect(this);">'+
    '<option value="">Selecione Centro Custos...</option>'+
    '<?php foreach ($centrocustos as $c){?>'+
    '<option value="<?php echo $c->idcentrocusto?>">'+
      '<?php echo $c->centrocusto?>'+
    '<?php } ?>'+

function getSelect(obj) {
 var vai= obj.value;
 $('#centrocusto').attr('value', vai);
  • Thanks for the Alvaro Return but this changing only the first, I put the visible input to test, see in the image.

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