Codeigniter form_open_multipart, how to use


Viewed 457 times


I’m using Codeigniter in a project but I’m having a hard time sending the information, I have a view that contains a form with the registration fields:


             echo form_open_multipart('Controller_site/cadastro_form');


            <input type="text" class="input-text" name="pais" placeholder="País">


Within this view I have several other fields that are being "wrapped" with Divs (Bootstrap) to assemble the layout. I’m closing the form on the last div:

 <div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12" align="center">

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Cadastrar</button>

     echo form_close();



In Controller_site I have the following function:

 public function cadastro_form(){

    $data = 'null';

        $data = array(
            'pais' => $this->input->post('pais'),
            'name_users' => $this->input->post('name_users'),
            'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'),
            'date_nasc' => $this->input->post('date_nasc'),
            'sexo' => $this->input->post('sexo'),
            'cpf' => $this->input->post('cpf'),
            'mail' => $this->input->post('mail'),
            'phone' => $this->input->post('phone'),
            'cep' => $this->input->post('cep'),
            'logradouro' => $this->input->post('logradouro'),
            'bairro' => $this->input->post('bairro'),
            'num' => $this->input->post('num'),
            'city' => $this->input->post('city'),
            'state' => $this->input->post('state'),
            'payment' => $this->input->post('payment'),
            'num_cart' => $this->input->post('num_cart'),
            'validade' => $this->input->post('validade'),
            'agencia' => $this->input->post('agencia'),
            'conta' => $this->input->post('conta'),
            'cvv' => $this->input->post('cvv'),
            'login' => $this->input->post('login'),
            'senha' => $this->input->post('senha'),
            'confirmar_senha' => $this->input->post('confirmar_senha'),



        redirect("index", 'redirect');


In the model: public Function registration ($date){

    return $this->db->insert('tb_users',$data);

I fill the form data and nothing happens the page is the same way the button "looks" nor have button effect.

Note: The database file is already configured.

  • Button with type="button" does not submit form. Put type="submit"

  • It worked! Thank you very much (; Could you help me with something else, the url is duplicating you know how to resolve: http://localhost/superbat/index.php/Controller_site/localhost/Superbat/Controller_site/cadastro_form

1 answer


The problem is you put

<button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Cadastrar</button>

The element <button> with type="button" does not commit the form. It is most used when you will perform an AJAX request or perform some action on the page itself.

To submit the form, change to type="submit":

<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Cadastrar</button>
  • 1

    +1 Thank you very much!

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