Postgresql connection with JDBC in eclipse


Viewed 350 times


Appears on the console:

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:AulaFBD://localhost:5432/TrabalhoFBD
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at conexao.<init>(
    at Principal.main(
  • Oia Erika, welcome to Stackoverflow PT, try to elaborate your question so that the community better understands your problem and can help you in a more appropriate way. I suggest you read

1 answer


Now this message appears

Postgresql JDBC Driver 42.2.5 Found in: jar:file:/home/erikasfs/Downloads/postgresql-42.2.5%20(1). jar! /org/postgresql/Driver.class

The Pgjdbc driver is not an Executable Java program.

You must install it According to the JDBC driver installation Instructions for your application / container / appserver, then use it by specifying a JDBC URL of the form jdbc:postgresql:// or using an application specific method.

See the Pgjdbc Documentation:

This command has had on Effect.

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