Method opens all modals of the v-for elements


Viewed 48 times


I have the following code snippet:

<template v-for="(item, index) in listaProjetosModelos">
     <tr :key="index">
          <td class="text-center">
          <td class="text-center">
          <td class="text-center">
          <td class="text-center text-nowrap">
              <span class="mr-2" @click="show()">Editar</span>
              <span class="mr-2" @click="show()">Excluir</span>
              <span @click="show()">Detalhes</span>

              <!--- MODAL FORM Editar ProjetoModelo -->
               <modal name="hello-world">
                    <div class="col-md-12">

And the method:

 show() {
        this.$'hello-world', {
            title: 'Editar Projeto Modelo'

What happens is that if in mine listaProjetosModelos have 100 items, and when I click on Editar to edit a specific item, it opens all 100 modals, rather than just that specific item in my table. What I don’t understand is why this is happening. Some solution to this?

Example running:

  • Guy can make an executable example for us to try to help?

  • I’ll only do one minute

  • Ready @Leandrade

  • Analyzing here, I could notice that what impacts is the modalOpen === true. This makes it open all. But how to make only one specific...

2 answers


One solution is to create a field within the object to control whether the modal is open or not.

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: () => ({
    modalOpen: false,
    listaProjetosModelos: [{
        departamento: "Contabilidade",
        nome_projeto: "Nome doido",
        total_tarefas: 0,
        modal: false
        departamento: "Tecnologia",
        nome_projeto: "Tecnologia WOW",
        total_tarefas: 1,
        modal: false
  methods: {
    abrirModal(index) {
      this.listaProjetosModelos[index].modal = !this.listaProjetosModelos[index].modal
body {
  background: #20262E;
  padding: 20px;
  font-family: Helvetica;
#app {
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 20px;
  transition: all 0.2s;
#app td{
  border: 1px solid;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app">
  <template v-for="(item, index) in listaProjetosModelos">
    <tr :key="index">
      <td class="text-center">
      <td class="text-center">
      <td class="text-center">
      <td class="text-center text-nowrap">
        <span class="mr-2" @click="abrirModal(index)">Editar</span>
        <span class="mr-2" @click="abrirModal(index)">Excluir</span>
        <span @click="abrirModal(index)">Detalhes</span>
        <!--- MODAL FORM Editar ProjetoModelo -->
        <template v-if="item.modal">
          <modal name="hello-world">
            <div class="col-md-12">
              <h1>MODAL ABERTA</h1>

This way it is possible that several modals are opened at the same time.

  • is a good option, but I am not allowed to implement the field in the API


I solved the problem as follows, guys: My modal, before it was inside the v-for, so I put it outside, and created a method that takes the parameter of the item, which populates the information within this modal.

  • I’m sorry, man, I had to do a job here and I couldn’t answer. I think that your solution is not the best one, because then the modal opens off the table. I believe Caesar’s answer will suit you in a better way, passing a index for the function.

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