I have a method that generates excel(. xls), but I have a problem: excel is being generated perfectly, but when I try to add up the values of cells nothing happens, it only adds up if I open cell by cell(I don’t need to change any value).
In the image below you have an example, all the values are aligned to the left but when I click on the cell to edit they automatically align to the right and it is possible to add them up.
Those with a red dash can be summed because I already clicked on the cell as if I were editing its value. And the other values are not possible to add up because I have not clicked to edit them at any time.
The code that shapes the cells is this:
if (gradeColuna != null)
switch (gradeColuna.type)
case "string": excelRange.NumberFormat = "@"; break;
case "date": excelRange.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/aaaa"; break;
case "datetime": excelRange.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/aaaa hh:mm;@"; break;
case "double": excelRange.NumberFormat = "#.##0,00#"; break;
excelRange.NumberFormat = "@";
And what assigns the values is this:
foreach (DataRow dr in dados.Rows)
for (int i = 1; i < dados.Columns.Count; i++)
xlWorkSheet.Cells[linha, i] = dr[i].ToString()
.Replace("01/01/1900 00:00:00", "")
.Replace("00:00:00", "")
.Replace("01/01/1900", "")
.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine);
if (dr[i].ToString().Contains("\\n"))
xlWorkSheet.Range[xlWorkSheet.Cells[linha, i], xlWorkSheet.Cells[linha, i]].WrapText = true;
if (dr[i].ToString().Length >= 100)
xlWorkSheet.Columns[i].ColumnWidth = 100;
decimal valorTemp = 0M;
if (decimal.TryParse(dr[i].ToString(), out valorTemp))
var teste = xlWorkSheet.Cells[linha, i];
if (dados.Columns[i].DataType.Name == "Decimal" || dados.Columns[i].DataType.Name == "Double")
xlWorkSheet.Cells[linha, i].Value = valorTemp.ToString("N2");
If you have any doubts or misexplained things, please ask me.
- I am using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and some values are zeroed but this is not the cause of not adding, I have checked this.
- It is worth noting that this only occurs with double.
Perhaps Excel is not recognizing these values initially as numerical and interpreting them as text. Where is the relevant rest of the code?
– Leandro Angelo
Tried to reverse the separators?
– Leandro Angelo