How to return data from a class within an option


Viewed 74 times


Good afternoon, people, I have a problem. I’m a beginner in object-oriented programming and I’m trying to make a select/option that gets values from within the database in an employee table. The problem is that when making the request to the database by a Select class it returns me the connections with the database, I am not able to return the data and put them within an option.

class Select {
private static $conn;

public function __construct() {
    $this->conn = new Conexao();

public function Selecionar(){
    $pdo = $this->conn->Conectar()->prepare('SELECT * FROM funcionario');
    foreach ($pdo as $resultado){
        echo $resultado;
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
    echo"<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Houver um erro, entrar em contato com administrador.('.$ex->getLine().');window.location.href='/DivinaBeleza/login.php';</script>";


and here the HTML:

                        <option value="1">Chosen</option>
                                $a = new Select();
                            <option value="<?php echo $result['idFuncionario']; ?>"><?php echo $result['funcaoFuncionario'];?></option>

I’m not getting how to give the Return or pass the data to the html page by creating objects and instantiating them. Just then put in an option. People give me a light, I’ve been trying for a few days and I couldn’t. I appreciate it. What appears to me is the connection, if I use var_dump or echo in the select() method in the $result variable, it shows me the connection object saved within the array.

1 answer


it was very confusing its implementation, I think it would be easier for you to create the option in another file and in html you call this new file with the options filled.

class Select {
private static $conn;

public function __construct() {
    $this->conn = new Conexao();

public function Selecionar(){
    $pdo = $this->conn->Conectar()->prepare('SELECT * FROM funcionario');
    foreach ($pdo as $resultado){
            echo $resultado;


     $select =  new Select();
     $items = $select->Selecionar();
     foreach($items as  item)
       echo '<option value="">'.item['elemento'].// mesmo atributo salvo no banco'</option>'



    <option value="0" disabled>Escolha um item</option>
      <?php include_once("Controller.php")?>                        

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