Problems with Fragments: Activity has been destroyed


Viewed 54 times


Man navigation drawer is correct, but when you click on a Drawer item, and it will replace the Fragments, the application stops, and the logcat error message says that

Activity has been destroyed


class DrawerItemClickListener extends FragmentActivity implements         ListView.OnItemClickListener {

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {


private void selectItem(int position) {

    Fragment fragment = null; 

    case 0:
        fragment = new DadosCadastraisDilmaFragment();
    case 1:
        fragment = new DadosCadastraisAecioFragment();

    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
    fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment).commit();

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity{

private String [] listaCandidatos;
private DrawerLayout drawerLayout; 
private ListView drawerList;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // inicializar a lista do drawer
    listaCandidatos = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.lista_candidatos);
    drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(;
    drawerList = (ListView) findViewById(;

    // Set the adapter for the list view
    drawerList.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
            R.layout.drawer_list_item,, listaCandidatos));
    // Set the list's click listener 
    drawerList.setOnItemClickListener(new DrawerItemClickListener());

1 answer


The problem is that the DrawerItemClickListener inherits from FragmentActivity. And he’s doing replacements Fragment in a Activity (DrawerItemClickListener) using the FragmentManager, which was not created by ActivityManager (part of the Android framework).

The message:

Activity has been destroyed

It’s caused because that Activity was not started. So for it is destroyed.

Remove this inheritance and make the DrawerItemClickListener is declared non-static within the MainActivity.

Sort of like this:

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    // Restante do codigo

    public class DrawerItemClickListener implements ListView.OnItemClickListener {

        // Restante do seu código

  • Thank you very much, It worked!

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