How to receive the CPF number and format to be without the dots and dash(Input Mask )


Viewed 7,167 times


I’m creating a mask with inputMask, but the number is received so: 222.222.488-19.

And I want him to have the mask on input but when sending it will be without the dots and the dash. Like this 22222248819. My code:

  selector: 'app',
  template: `
    <input [textMask]="{mask: mask}" [(ngModel)]="myModel" type="text"/>
export class AppComponent {
  public myModel = ''
  public mask = ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]

7 answers


    var variavel=$("#campo").val();//atribui o valor a variavel
    var variavel2 = variavel.replace('.', ''); //remove UM ponto
  var variavel2 = variave2.replace(',', ''); //remove UMA virgula
  var variavel2 = variave2.replace('-', ''); //remove UM traço


$('.cpf').mask('000.000.000-00', {reverse: true});
  $('.cnpj').mask('00.000.000/0000-00', {reverse: true});
  $('.dinheiro').mask('000.000,00', {reverse: true});
$("#Botao").on("click", function(e){

//Variavel com valor do campo dinheiro
var dinheiro=$("#dinheiro").val();
//retira o ponto coloca o restante em dinheiro 2.
var dinheiro2 = dinheiro.replace('.', '');
//retirar a virgula, e colocar o restante na dinheiro2.
var dinheiro2 = dinheiro2.replace(',', '');
//RECUPERAR VALORES do dinheiro.
alert(" O DINHEIRO COM MASCARA FOI : " +dinheiro+ " O DINHEIRO SEM MASCARA È: "+dinheiro2);
//Variavel com valor do campo cnpj
var cnpj=$("#cnpj").val();
var cnpj2 = cnpj.replace('.', '');
var cnpj2 = cnpj2.replace('.', '');
//*se tiver 1 ponto, dá um replace no ponto. se tiver 10... dá 10 replace.
var cnpj2 = cnpj2.replace('-', '');
var cnpj2 = cnpj2.replace('/', '');
//RECUPERAR VALORES do dinheiro.
alert(" O CNPJ COM MASCARA FOI : " +cnpj+ " O CNPJ SEM MASCARA È: "+cnpj2);

//Variavel com valor do campo CPF
var cpf=$("#cpf").val();
var cpf2 = cpf.replace('.', '');
var cpf2 = cpf2.replace('.', '');
//*se tiver 1 ponto, dá um replace no ponto. se tiver 10... dá 10 replace.
var cnpj2 = cnpj2.replace('-', '');
//RECUPERAR VALORES do dinheiro.
alert(" O CPF COM MASCARA FOI : " +cpf+ " O DO CPF SEM MASCARA È: "+cpf2);

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- ENTENDA OS CAMPOS PELO ID. é o id que vaos usar para recuperar os valores.-->
    <input class="dinheiro" id="dinheiro" placeholder="DIGITE UM VALOR EM DINHEIRO">
    <input class="cnpj" id="cnpj" placeholder="DIGITE UM CNPJ">
    <input class="cpf" id="cpf" placeholder="DIGITE UM CPF">
<button type="" id="Botao">CLIQUE AKI</button>

  • If this solves your problem, mark as answered.


Just to supplement the previous answers. If you want to take both at once (dot and dash). My answer is with Pure JS.

let botao = document.querySelector("#botao");

botao.onclick = function() {
  let cpf_com_ponto_e_traco = document.querySelector("#cpf-com-ponto-e-traco").value;
  let cpf_sem_ponto_e_traco = cpf_com_ponto_e_traco.replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("-", "");

<input type="text" id="cpf-com-ponto-e-traco" value="111.222.333-44" readonly>
<button id="botao">Pegar CPF</button>

And another alternative to not having to use twice the replace to take out the first two points and replace to take out the trace. To do this we use a regular expression in the first parameter of replace which only allows alphanumeric characters in that string. What is not a number, the replace exchange for second parameter. Behold:

let botao = document.querySelector("#botao");

botao.onclick = function() {
  let cpf_com_ponto_e_traco = document.querySelector("#cpf-com-ponto-e-traco").value;
  let cpf_sem_ponto_e_traco = cpf_com_ponto_e_traco.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");

<input type="text" id="cpf-com-ponto-e-traco" value="111.222.333-44" readonly>
<button id="botao">Pegar CPF</button>

  • finally an answer with the code clean and no dependency of libraries not cited by OP, I recommend only adapt pro case of Cpf’s with 2 point Replaces, but very good. + 1

  • Do you believe that I had made the answer thinking of cep ? But I have corrected.


Follows a solution with regex, where you don’t need to be doing several places, it will capture only the digits in a array and convert them into a string with the function Join.


let botao = document.querySelector("#botao");

botao.onclick = function() {

  let valorOriginal = document.querySelector("#cpf").value;
  let regex = /\d/g;
  let valorFiltrado = valorOriginal.match(regex);
<input type="text" id="cpf" value="455.666.727-99" readonly>
<button id="botao">Submit</button>

For those who love solutions in a row:



  • We get the Cpf field value with the query selector and assign it to the variable valorOriginal
  • Then we declare the regex variable with the value /\d/g;
    The first / shows for javascript that we are declaring a regular expression type variable
    The \d then represents what we want to capture, a digit.
    We close the regex declaration with the /
    And finally we put the g, signaling that this regex must traverse the entire string.
  • Next we will use the function match to return what regex captures as an Array.
  • And to display the value as a string we use the function join(""), it will return all our values in a string without separation by comma, as it would normally if we used only the function toString().


var cpf = '000.000.000-00';
var string = cpf.replace('.','').replace('-','').replace('.','') ;
  • By the way, I recommend testing your answer again, it does not answer the question correctly, beware in detail: but when sending will be without the dots and the dash. Type this 22222248819... Your answer only takes 1 of the dots.

  • edited my reply @Paz

  • now yes, sometimes these details catch us.


Creates a function that removes these characters using regexp there in Mask. For example:

function somenteNumeros(cpf){
  let numeros = cpf.toString().replace(/\.|-/gm,'');
  if(numeros.length === 11)
   return numeros;

  return 'cpf inválido'

 export class AppComponent {
   public myModel = ''
   public mask = somenteNumeros(cpf)

if you need to do several regex tests, recommend the site:


You can do it directly in your form before submitting it through replace():

formulario: FormGroup; this.formulario.value.cpf = this.formulario.value.cpf.replace(/\.|-/gm,'');

Obs.: whereas your formControlName="Cpf".


In JS has the function replace().
You can do something like cpfComMascara.replace("\D", "")
In regex \d means digit. The uppercase letter is the opposite.
Therefore, regex will replace non-digit with empty.

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