I need to remove an attribute from my object (indexvariacaoatributo), but I need it to remain in the root object.
This is my algorithm that receives in variable my object and then I remove the attribute indexvariacaoatributo of the object, in this way works perfectly the algorithm, but in addition to removing the variable variables, it is also removed from the variable categorieForm:
var variacoes = categoriaForm.variacoes
if(variacoes[0].estoque_variacao == null || variacoes[0].estoque_variacao == 0){
variacoes = [];
//Retira do objeto o indexvariacaoatributo
for(let i=0;i<variacoes.length;i++){
for (let j=0;j<variacoes[i].atributo.length;j++){
delete variacoes[i].atributo[j].indexvariacaoatributo
I tried to make an unregistered copy of these forms:
var variacoes = Object.assign({}, categoriaForm.variacoes);
I also tried to:
var variacoes = { ...categoriaForm.variacoes };
But in these two ways, when I print the variable variation I realize that my index is still there. I put on that console.log and I realized it’s not going inside my for.
There is something else that needs to be done when copying an object in this way?