I made the ajax connection to introduce a file. txt in a div, but I modified the text and saved but the text is not changed (as if I hadn’t saved it)
If you want to see the site where the text is (biology->Food Chain): http://estudos.epizy.com/
The "F12" of the page: https://prnt.sc/libg1i What is saved (left) and what appears (right):https://prnt.sc/lic93o
function corpo(titulo, texto) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("titulo").innerHTML = titulo;
document.getElementById("corpo").innerHTML =
xhttp.open("GET", texto, true);
It worked. Thank you very much - ) I didn’t know that in ajax I also had cache problem
– Hovesky NerdGamers